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Acne, 6 preconceived ideas to combat

acne preconceived ideas


Acne is a fairly common skin disease and many preconceived ideas circulate about this condition. Knowing them better would allow us to refute them and undoubtedly better fight acne! We present to you 6 preconceived ideas about acne. Also see our article on 10 Acne Commandments.


What is acne? How does it manifest?

Acne is a skin condition that today affects fifteen million people in France according to the French Society of Dermatology (SFD). This skin disease is characterized by the presence of pimples on the skin. The appearance of these spots is due to an overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands. This excessive production will clog the pores of the skin, in particular the hair opening; the bacteria will then proliferate and create inflammation in this area of ​​the skin.

The consequence will be the appearance of blackheads and pimples at the base of this hair follicle, also called comedones or microcysts. These pimples can take the form of papules (red pimples), pustules (white-headed pimples) or nodules (red pimples with slightly deeper inflammation). These pimples appear mainly on the face, but also on the back and thorax.

Let's see together what are the preconceived ideas about acne, how to explain and contradict them...


Acne is caused by poor hygiene

acne definition skin hygieneNo, acne is not due to a lack of hygiene! It is most often of hormonal origin, which is why it begins to appear in adolescence. At this age, our body begins to secrete new hormones. The presence of a male hormone in the body called androgen will stimulate the sebaceous glands, responsible for the overproduction of sebum. This is what will cause the appearance of pimples.

“Washing your face” will therefore not be enough to treat acne of hormonal origin since the causes are internal. In all cases, when you have acne, rigorous daily hygiene and the use of anti-acne masks and specific care is essential. OUR Akno Natura Regulatory Complex helps fight imperfections while respecting your skin. On average, we would touch our face around 250 times a day! We immediately understand why it is important to keep your hands clean and, at best, avoid touching your face as much as possible to avoid the proliferation of bacteria.

Furthermore, acne is most of the time “hereditary”; a genetic background predisposes certain people to have acne during their lives. People with acne often have parents who have had it themselves. Moreover, you are 25 times more likely to have acne if both parents have had acne. (1)

Finally, stress could also be a trigger for acne: it releases a certain hormone which stimulates the production of sebum.


Acne is a teenage problem

teenage problem acneAs said above, acne is most often of hormonal origin, which is why it begins to appear in adolescence, around the age of 12 – 13. At this age, the body will begin to produce hormones. And will generally end around the age of 25.

However, it can happen that acne persists even after this period. It can also occur much later in some people, well after the adolescent period. Acne therefore also affects adults, and this figure seems to be increasing according to the French Society of Dermatology: in 2016, 3,3 million people affected were over 15 years old, and this figure has been increasing for several years. years. It is estimated that ¼ of people affected by acne are over 25 years old, and that 70% of people with severe acne are adults. (2)

In women, acne can occur depending on the menstrual cycles, during pregnancy or at the time of menopause for example. This is due to hormonal changes. In 2008, a study was carried out on a panel of 1000 women between 20 and 39 years old and it emerged that around 45% of them had acne.(3)

There is also a form of acne in newborns which appears in the form of small red pimples around 2 weeks after birth.


Drying out your skin helps get rid of pimples

need dry and very dry skinSebum is made up of fatty acids. Its overproduction by the sebaceous glands leads to oily skin with a shiny appearance. Therefore, we all have a reflex: to get rid of pimples, the best thing is to dry out your skin.

However, it is undoubtedly the worst thing to do! For what ? Because dryness of the skin is felt as an attack. She will feel the need to rehydrate and for this, the skin will produce more sebum, therefore causing the appearance of new spots... Ultimately, a vicious circle sets in.

On the contrary, oily skin especially needs hydration to reform the hydrolipidic film which is a natural skin barrier.


Eating too much sugar causes acne

sugar is bad for acneThis is both true and false, firstly because there is no formal scientific link established, and secondly because it depends on each individual's organism.

When we eat sugar, our body works to evacuate this excess sugar into the blood vessels by increasing insulin levels and making our liver work. This increase in sugar levels will stimulate the production of sebum.

Some organizations will find it easier to eliminate this surplus. Who doesn't know someone who eats a lot of sugar and yet has perfect skin? While other organisms will not have this facility: the sugar will saturate the body, and the sebum will have difficulty being evacuated normally. It will therefore accumulate in the pores of the skin and lead to the appearance of pimples.

Furthermore, other types of food are likely to cause acne. So-called “acidic” foods are pro-inflammatory: they promote skin inflammation. This is the case of industrial food products, dairy products or red meats.

Generally speaking, eating a healthy and balanced diet avoids intestinal and metabolic disorders which can have direct repercussions on the appearance of the skin.


The sun eliminates acne marks

sun and acneYes and no. In fact, the sun is a false friend for acne. It is true that the sun erases traces of acne, but temporarily. On the one hand, it will dry out the lesions, and as we mentioned above, this is not the best thing to do. On the other hand, under UV rays and when tanning, the skin thickens: it becomes colored and becomes more homogeneous; the traces as well as the pimples seem to disappear. But as soon as we stop exposure to the sun, the spots come back with a vengeance. This is called the rebound effect.

To avoid this, it is best not to expose acne-prone skin to the sun without prior sunscreen. The best thing is to limit your exposure, because the sun can cause brown spots on this very sensitive skin type.


Makeup makes acne worse

acne makeupWe often hear that makeup makes acne worse because it clogs the pores of the skin. We are talking here about makeup intended to come into direct contact with the skin: foundations, powders, BB creams, etc. Many people think that these products prevent the skin from breathing. This is not completely false. Indeed, the use of certain types of makeup says “comedogenic” can cause acne. An ingredient is said to be comedogenic when it creates a film on the skin that prevents it from breathing and evacuating sebum. As a result, it causes blackheads, hence the name. There are many non-comedogenic cosmetic products that help prevent this.

Furthermore, if you wear makeup every day, it is essential to remove your makeup every evening! This helps cleanse the skin, remove all impurities and prevent the accumulation of bacteria on the skin.



Find all our customers' questions on the page Acne questions

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(1) Professor Pierre Wolkenstein: is acne hereditary?
(2) French Society of Dermatology
(3) Doctor Sylvie Olive

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