LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment
Tips for skin health

Our recommendations to fight acne and avoid pimples

The appearance of pimples and imperfections may be linked to several factors.

During adolescence, thehormonal acne occurs in 85% of cases in young people between 16 and 20 years old.

However, good skin care can help limit or even prevent spots. There are also many tips to help preserve or regain healthy skin.

For example, even if the skin is oily, it must be hydrated. See all our advice and… it’s up to you!

Don't touch your acne spots

Absolutely avoid any scratching and fiddling with buttons. Drilling them is indeed the worst solution. Because acne scars can be indelible. We strongly advise against blackhead removers.

Beard acne

If you have beard acne, prefer shaving with an electric foil razor. Cutting the buds with a blade makes them permanent. Avoid touching your face during the day.

avoid the sun

The sun is a false friend. Certainly it seems to improve acne at first. But it generates strong outbreaks around two weeks after stopping exposure to the sun.

HYDRATE your skin

Morning and evening with a non-comedogenic treatment. Indeed, in the case of a comedogenic composition, watch out for pimples!

Avoid Microches

Carry out your treatment with thoroughly washed hands and nails.

Remember to change your pillowcase regularly.

acne definition skin hygiene

Good twice-daily skin hygiene is a prerequisite. It consists of a good cleansing of the skin with a suitable solution. In any case it should not be too aggressive. The use of Akno Natura Complex the evening is ideal. The skin will be deeply cleansed. This will help limit sebaceous secretion. It will slow down the appearance of horny plugs responsible for blackheads.

Air pollution and skin beauty are two quite irreconcilable notions. Hence the importance of cleansing your skin well every evening.

Are you looking for a good everyday cream? Check out the article 5 anti-acne creams.

For young girls and adult women, at the time of their periods, the Akno Natura Complex is an excellent flash treatment against the appearance of imperfections and redness.

Also remember to do a mask once a week. Read our suggestions 5 homemade anti-acne masks
Adding the rice powder for healthy skin can be a good tip for a brighter complexion.

What is vegan cosmetics? Find all the answers in our article.

The summary of our recommendations takes into account 10 commandments for acne. We invite you to consult them.

Trace elements and vitamins against acne: “friendly” foods for your skin

Acne advice, the enemy foods of acne-prone skin

A gluten allergy can promote acne. Then remove ALL foods containing gluten. Wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelled as well as all their derivatives: bread (except Essene bread), pasta, semolina, flour, etc. if you are allergic only.

Starchy foods that do not contain gluten are: rice, millet, corn, chestnuts, potatoes, quinoa, sprouted seeds.

Milk and acne do not mix well. Eliminate at least milk and if possible all dairy products (do a test over a short period to judge). Prefer plant-based milks.

Eliminate all sugary drinks containing toxins and stimulants: cola, phosphoric acid, caffeine, tea, alcohol, or any chemical substances. Prefer them infusions or Green tea.

Limit sugar and sweet products.

Drink water very little mineralized.

Read also The industrial food products and junk food responsible for acne?


Top acne tips / anti-acne tips

Also see our section Your questions to find answers to your acne questions.

Discover the file of a naturopath about acne

This content was written under the direction of:

Author Sylvie Méliet