Many people take time to relieve their dermatological conditions because they have confused one condition with another. And for good reason ! Indeed, certain skin diseases have similarities and it is not always easy to know how to differentiate them. There are natural treatments to relieve them (such as Regulatory Complex). Discover our tips for distinguishing between eczema, psoriasis and vitiligo!
What are the similarities between psoriasis, eczema and vitiligo?
Let's learn together to distinguish eczema, psoriasis and vitiligo! The common points of these pathologies are:
The localisation
First, these three pathologies are diseases that affect the skin and are characterized by the appearance of depigmented areas of skin. Indeed, these pathologies have predilection zones, and develop mainly in places of friction and folds of the human body. For example, elbows, knees, genital areas and the back of the neck are often affected. (1)
The non-contagious nature
These particular skin conditions are all three non-contagious, contrary to popular belief. From a genetic point of view, 30% of patients affected by vitiligo have a family history, although this disease is not hereditary. Regarding psoriasis, it is slightly higher with 40% history. (2) As for eczema, 50 to 70% of people affected have a family history. None of these diseases is purely hereditary. In fact, they are complex and result from a clever mix between genetic predisposition factors and environmental factors.
The distribution
In addition, these are relatively common pathologies, which affect all populations, all skin colors and both men and women. In fact, vitiligo affects 2% of the population, psoriasis also affects 2 to 3% of the population. However, eczema is more common since it affects around 15% of the population.
The treatment
There are treatments to relieve these illnesses. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure these pathologies; we can currently only limit their effects and their spread. For psoriasis and eczema, treatments are usually cortisone creams. Topical corticosteroids are also used to treat mild vitiligo. (3) In addition, phototherapy is increasingly being developed to treat these pathologies, particularly vitiligo. In all cases, these pathologies should be monitored by a dermatologist, who will easily distinguish them and find the appropriate treatment.
In addition, illnesses are generally benign but can quickly become debilitating. All three have numerous social and psychological repercussions because they represent a major aesthetic harm. Psychological support for patients affected by these pathologies is recommended. Often poorly understood, these pathologies can lead to the isolation or rejection of those affected.
Know how to distinguish eczema, vitiligo and psoriasis
How to spot vitiligo?
Don't remember exactly the symptoms of vitiligo? We remind you of them here, so that you can distinguish between vitiligo, eczema and psoriasis!
Vitiligo is an incurable chronic skin disease caused by the disappearance of melanocytes (the cells that produce melanin). However, this pigment is responsible for the coloring of the skin. Thus, white or cream spots then form on the body, and can affect the mucous membranes and the hair. Unlike psoriasis and eczema, vitiligo does not cause pain or itching. However, it causes aesthetic harm and causes significant psychological suffering in affected people.
How to differentiate it from psoriasis?
Vitiligo and psoriasis are easily distinguished. In the case of vitiligo, white or cream-colored spots appear on the body. Usually painless, these spots first appear on the hands and feet, then can spread to other places on the body. However, unlike psoriasis, the skin does not swell. In the case of psoriasis, the skin forms thick red spots, covered with scales.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis affects 2 to 3% of the world's population and is characterized by the appearance of plates and redness on the body and scalp. This disease results from excessive renewal of skin cells; and the redness and plaques are more or less extensive depending on the type of psoriasis. These patches are covered with white scales and cause significant itching. The skin of a patient with psoriasis is therefore sensitive and fragile. You must therefore take care to hydrate it and have it monitored by specialists.
How to distinguish it from eczema?
Psoriasis and eczema are chronic diseases. Affected patients alternate between periods of crisis and periods of calm and respite. These conditions cause disabling itching and major psychosocial repercussions. Sometimes psoriasis and eczema can occur at the same time in a patient. However, despite these commonalities, it is possible to distinguish them.
In fact, psoriasis plaques are generally perfectly demarcated, thick and covered with scales. Eczema patches are thinner and less defined. Finally, eczema is an allergenic reaction, and does not affect the nails or mucous membranes, unlike psoriasis.
How do you recognize eczema?
Eczema is a non-contagious skin disease characterized by inflammation of the skin. Eczema is the most common skin disease. It comes from a genetic disorder, accompanied by environmental factors conducive to its appearance, such as stress, food allergens, pollution.
The most common form of eczema isatopic eczema, which results from an allergic reaction to allergens that are harmless to the majority of people. Lesions then appear on the skin. This involves redness, often rough, causing significant itching. These lesions appear more in the fold areas: elbows, knees, wrists.
How to differentiate it from vitiligo?
If eczema and psoriasis can be confused, vitiligo is quite clearly distinguished from eczema. As seen previously and unlike vitiligo, eczema does not affect the nails or mucous membranes. In addition, it appears in the form of itchy red patches, while the disappearance of melanocytes in the case of vitiligo forms white patches on the skin.
What are effective natural treatments for relieving eczema?
Finally, there are effective natural treatments to combat your eczema. Do not despair !
First, hydrate!
In addition, when you have eczema, your skin feels tight because it is dry and fragile.
You must therefore rehydrate your skin.
Check out our Rich Restructuring Cream, which will deeply hydrate your skin and soothe your itching.
This nourishing treatment concentrated in Carapa Procera oil will provide fatty acids to your skin.
This oil has recognized anti-inflammatory properties and will facilitate the regeneration of your skin.
Then, relieve eczema or psoriasis!
After hydrating, let us help you regain healthy skin.
Meet our Pso Natura Regenerative Complex. It is a 100% natural treatment composed of only two ingredients: vegetable potassium and Carapa procera oil.
In addition, it will cleanse your skin thanks to its antibacterial properties.
In one month of use, it will eliminate your marks, redness and scales and relieve your itching.
Discover testimonials from our customers on the use of the Regulatory Complex
French Vitiligo Association
France Psoriasis Association
Dermato Info
To consult also:
Facial eczema: what are the causes and treatments?
Foot eczema: symptom guide and natural solutions
Understanding and relieving arm eczema