Allergic eczema: natural solutions

Allergic eczema, causes, symptoms and natural solutions

Eczema takes different forms depending on the cause of eczema. This disease can be genetic, due to stress or allergic in nature.

Allergic eczema (or contact eczema or allergic contact eczema) is a localized skin reaction caused by allergenic triggers such as cat hair, pollen, dust or even mites.

Just like other forms of eczema, it can be amplified by increases in stress, an unhealthy diet or even by annoyances and strong emotions. It will appear most often in the spring, as it works in the same pattern as allergies that are much more fierce at this time of year.




Symptoms of allergic eczema on the skin

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Symptoms of allergic contact eczema appear between 2 hours and 3 days after contact with the allergen. A reaction to a food allergen can occur within an hour. Children, especially infants, may experience symptoms more quickly than in adults.

How to recognize contact allergy eczema?

– More or less extensive red patches on the skin
– Severe itching
– Skin that looks thicker
– Scales (dry patches of skin, as if dehydrated)
– Skin with a reptilian “crocodile skin” appearance
– Itching or rash – Hives

If you notice one or more of these symptoms and it is exceptional, remember to moisturize your skin then consult a doctor who will refer you to a dermatologist or allergist.

You can also think about the tele-dermatology which consists of consulting a dermatologist remotely. This solution exists to improve the quality of life of patients by limiting their travel.

Whatever happens, in the event of symptoms, it is better not to wait in order to limit the risk of the disease setting in and developing.

How can you be sure it's eczema? allergic hand eczema

Differentiating contact eczema from other skin disorders like simple allergies or psoriasis can be complex.

Unlike allergic skin reactions, which are usually acute and resolve quickly after the allergen is removed, eczema can persist or recur regularly.

Psoriasis, on the other hand, often presents with thicker, flaky patches of skin, with a silvery tint, and is typically located on the elbows, knees and scalp.

For an accurate diagnosis, it is crucial to consult a dermatologist, who can perform appropriate tests, such as a skin swab or allergy tests, to determine the exact nature of the condition and the most suitable treatment.


Finding the cause of allergic eczema

To treat lesions linked to allergic contact eczema, it is not enough only to carry out local treatment, it is also necessary to find the cause otherwise it will reappear very quickly.

If pollen is easy to detect, because it corresponds to a certain time of year and is visible, other causes, such as mites, will be more subtle to detect. A food allergen can also be the cause of triggering allergic eczema.

Furthermore, you can become allergic to something overnight. This is why you should not hesitate to see your doctor or an allergist if any of the above symptoms appear.

In any case, a good cleaning is essential in your home! Because even if the person responsible is not staying in your home, excess dust, a few cat hairs or pollen that has broken in will not help the eczema disappear quickly and completely.

How long does contact allergy last? Allergic eczema stopwatch

The duration of allergic contact eczema varies depending on the individual and the severity of the reaction. Typically, symptoms appear a few hours to a few days after exposure to the allergen and can last from a few days to several weeks.

In mild cases, the lesions can resolve within a few days with adequate treatment and avoidance of the allergen.

For more severe reactions or in the event of repeated re-exposure, symptoms may persist longer, ranging from a few days to a few years and requiring more in-depth medical intervention.

It is important to note that each case is unique, and the duration can vary greatly from person to person. Dermatological follow-up is recommended to correctly assess the situation, avoid complications and adapt the treatment.

What are the treatments to relieve eczema patches?

Internal route

herbal tea ingredients for allergic eczemaIt is necessary to expel or destroy the element incriminated in the appearance of allergic contact eczema. To do this, make sure to:

– Adopt a balanced, healthy diet free of potentially allergenic foods such as peanuts, nuts or shellfish (while the eczema passes).

– Supplement this diet with daily herbal teas of burdock or wild pansy or the combination of cinnamon, tarragon and lavender. Also think about the daisy, excellent natural product against eczema! Chinese herbs are also very effective for eczema. You can also consult our article on the links between Chinese medicine and eczema.

– Detoxify your body and more particularly the kidneys to boost their depurative work. Burdock, mentioned above, is a good drainer. You can also opt for our Detox and Zen capsules which contain them. They are ideal for their detox effect on the digestive system and help to improve digestion.



Anti-eczema nettle soup recipe

– 1 liter of water
– 500 g of nettle leaves without the stems
– 300 g of potatoes
– Olive or grapeseed oil
– 2 onions
– 15 cl of whipping cream (or coconut milk)
– Salt, pepper, oregano

1/ Picking nettle leaves: put on gloves and choose the leaves at the top of the stems and rinse them well. The first leaves of spring will be tastier and richer in vitamins.

2/ Preparing the soup: in a casserole dish, heat the oil, put the chopped onion over very low heat and fry for 5 minutes. Add the melted nettle leaves and cover. When they have changed color and reduced, add the water and the cubed potatoes. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Reserve a little cooking juice. From the heat, put in a blender, add juice, according to the desired consistency. Salt, pepper, add oregano, simmer again over low heat. Add the cream when serving for those who wish (1).


External route

Treating the cause will be essential to see this eczema disappear, but you can still contribute to the disappearance of scales, redness or itching that have appeared thanks to topical treatments. This will also ensure that your skin is not further affected and that there are no irreversible traces.

dry skin eczema complex- Our Regenerating Foaming Complex will fight against these unsightly appearances and help soothe itching. It is a natural treatment and not a medication, so you can treat your eczema without side effects or addiction effects. The power of Carapa procera oil combined with vegetable potassium and activated by exfoliation is a unique and effective process for eczema.

– For some people, salt water is effective in reducing irritation. If you live near the sea or ocean, go swimming regularly, otherwise recreate the Red Sea at home by diluting unrefined sea salt in your bathtub. Let the water cool, cold to lukewarm water is better than hot water for skin problems.

stay hydrated in case of allergies– Hydration is the key word for suffering skin such as eczematous skin. Choose a rich cream and do not hesitate to apply it several times a day on the affected areas.

– Infuse the wild pansy herbal tea recommended earlier in the article for a little longer and use it as a lotion to apply to the inflamed areas using a compress. You can also collect the flowers used for the infusion and make plasters, cover and leave for 20 minutes (pansy or chamomile).


Itching in Eczemaallergic eczema itchy arms

The itching in contact eczema, often intense and sometimes unbearable, is due to a combination of biological, physiological factors, and those linked to the daily environment.

At the heart of this phenomenon is the skin's inflammatory response. When the skin reacts to an irritant or allergen, the immune system releases various chemicals, including cytokines and histamines, which cause inflammation. This inflammation stimulates the nerve endings in the skin, leading to an itchy sensation.

Another important factor is the damaged skin barrier characteristic of eczema. Dry, damaged skin is more prone to irritation and inflammation, exacerbating the itchy sensation. Additionally, the scratching effect on the skin can worsen inflammation and further damage the skin barrier, creating a vicious cycle of irritation and itching.

Finally, psychological factors can also intensify the itching. Stress, anxiety, and other emotions can increase skin sensitivity and make itching more difficult to tolerate. Elements of the everyday environment, such as chemicals, textiles and allergens, also play a role in worsening symptoms.

Thus, the itch in contact eczema is the result of a complex mix of interactions between the skin, the immune system and the nervous system, often compounded by environmental, emotional and scratching factors.


In summary, allergic contact eczema is a complex condition influenced by a multitude of factors, including atopy, which refers to a genetic predisposition to develop certain forms of allergies.

The course of this condition strongly depends on the underlying cause and individual reactivity, particularly in the context of atopy. It is crucial to understand that symptoms such as scabbing, blistering, and intense itching, while common, can vary in intensity and duration from person to person.

Effective management of allergic eczema often involves a combination of treatments, avoidance of allergens, and preventative skin care, particularly in those with atopy.

Over time, the progression of this disease can be controlled through a better understanding of the triggers and appropriate management, taking into account atopic sensitivity.

Crusting and blistering, typical symptoms, can be minimized with early and appropriate intervention. Advances in the treatment of allergic eczema have made it possible to significantly reduce the impact of these symptoms on the quality of life of patients, particularly in those with atopy.

In conclusion, developments in treatments and awareness of triggering factors, including atopy, play a crucial role in reducing episodes of crusting and blistering, leading to more effective management and better control. allergic contact eczema.



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