LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Eczema and pets

dog eczema allergy


What is eczema and how does this atopic dermatitis manifest?

Eczema is a disease of the immune system to environmental allergens (substances that can cause allergies, also called ATOPENES). There are several types of eczema. In the case of contact eczema, atopenes penetrate through the skin, but they can also be introduced through the respiratory and digestive tracts.

Eczema is characterized by inflammation of the skin, which is not contagious, and which may be accompanied by red patches, itching, crusts and scales. Eventually, the skin can become thicker, drier, lose hair and even change pigmentation.

For people prone to eczema, it is strongly recommended to adopt regular and healthy hygiene. It is by assimilating these good actions over time that you will be able to limit and/or prevent eczema flare-ups.

Becoming a pet owner when you are prone to eczema can be a big help; animals soothe us, stimulate us and sometimes even heal us!

Some people even call animals “the doctors of the soul” because they cure us of loneliness, depression, disability and especially stress. However, in our case, one of the best ways to fight eczema is to reduce stress and anxiety. Would their caring and tireless listening be the best complement to treatment?

Unfortunately, these pets that we love so much can also carry allergies that are not compatible with eczema. As part of our advice on illness, deciphering pets facing your eczema.

Being prone to eczema and living with a dog

What a sweet joy to live alongside Médor! Your dog is your most faithful friend and he accompanies you throughout his life. He is your companion but also the guardian of your life and that of your children. He plays with you, he plays with them, makes you all laugh and gives you a feeling of security. But eczema and animals are two parameters that do not always go well together.

Several studies prove that living alongside dogs increases your immunity to different diseases. A 2017 study from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology supports the hypothesis that owning a dog reduces the risk of developing eczema and asthma. And especially for your children! As eczema is a chronic disease, we invite you to read our short guide on this subject: Chronic diseases.

On the other hand, adults and people prone to eczema who adopt a dog must take some precautions. It is important to prepare your immune system for this new lifestyle but also to consider natural treatments to take before your arrival and during your life together.

Don't wash your dog too often

Above all, don't forget to wash your dog regularly. Even if it doesn't look like it, it can carry insects or allergens from plants and the air that can indirectly cause eczema to flare up. It's best to avoid any additional scratching when you already suffer from eczema. We advise you to take advantage, for example, of big spring cleaning to spend the time of the Médor bath with the family.


Can cats give eczema?

Your cat is cuddly, gentle and beautiful... It is a silent and delicate presence in your daily life. You are fulfilled. Especially since he is clean: he cleans himself and, since you have taught him, does his business in his litter box. You're a lot less anxious since he's been in your life, your eczema feels it. The only criticism you can make of him is that he scatters his hair everywhere. And some people are allergic to cat hair.

Cat hair allergy

Eczema cat hair allergyIn reality this allergy is not linked to their hair, short or long, but to their urine, saliva and secretions. It is therefore by licking that cats deposit their allergens on their hair. The allergens then accumulate on carpets, sofas, clothes...The lifespan of cat allergens can last several months or even a few years!!

Whatever happens, you can't stop him from losing his fur, but you can limit its growth. To do this, we advise you to brush your cat regularly, in order to recover some of the hair. You can use your oven mitts to easily catch hairs stuck to the sofa, carpets or sheets.

Despite its hair, owning a cat helps reduce loneliness and relax its owner. Your eczema needs this relaxation to subside and reduce your inflammation. We invite you to consult our article on relieve illness through poetry.


Environmental factors

Cat owners love their cat's scent. This very particular cat smell is intended to calm them, to offer them a feeling of security and belonging, since this scent is everywhere in their house. Conversely, it happens that some people try to hide this scent; we recommend that you exercise great caution with gestures of perfume on the skin when you suffer from itching, redness or even scales.

Animals and children

Be careful though, cats can be harmful to children predisposed to developing this disease. A study conducted by the Public Library of Science Medicine shows that children with genetic factors associated with eczema are much more susceptible to environmental factors that can encourage eczema flare-ups. The presence of felines is considered by this study to be an environmental factor likely to develop eczema.

If your child has eczema flare-ups, apply the Pso Natura Regenerative Complex and Rich Restructuring Cream to soothe pain and itching. The formulas offered by LM Natura are 100% natural and effective!

It is therefore advisable, before adopting a cat, if you have a young child or if you yourself are sensitive to animal allergies, to carry out a test with possibly a friend's cat. By seeing how your body, or that of your child, reacts in its presence, you will quickly become aware of the possible relationship between your eczema and cats.

Read our article on detergents to use in case of eczema.


Being prone to eczema and owning a horse

Eczema and horse allergiesJust because you suffer from eczema or itching doesn't mean you should deprive yourself of horse riding if you like it!

Your horse gives you the feeling of existing, gives you adrenaline and the promise of escape. Your body asks for nothing better to fight against eczema which can so quickly undermine morale. The exercise and feeling power that riding brings can relieve your itching and redness.

On the other hand, we recommend great vigilance to people with eczema or psoriasis when riding horses. Friction can greatly aggravate their itching and redness. It is therefore advisable to wear suitable cotton underwear and choose a sports bra over a classic bra.

To avoid chafing on the thighs, it is essential to adapt your riding pants to the season; for example by adding tights or leggings to protect the skin which is more fragile in winter.




Don't deprive yourself of the wonderful presence of a pet for companionship if you suffer from eczema or another skin condition. On the contrary, it can reduce your anxiety or stress. On the other hand, treat your eczema with suitable treatments such as those from LM Natura.


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