LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Eyelid psoriasis: how to relieve it?

eyelid psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune and inflammatory skin disease. It results, in fact, from a immune system dysfunction resulting in excessive renewal of skin cells. This chronic disease progresses between phases of flare-ups and phases of remission. However, she is not not contagious.

Psoriasis can affect any part of the body. The most common forms are psoriasis of the scalp and joints (knees, elbows). THE facial psoriasis, and more precisely the eyelids, constitutes the most rare. It is often more common in children than in adults.

Beyond the physical suffering it causes, psoriasis is also difficult to live with, morally and psychologically, on a daily basis.



How does psoriasis occur on the skin? What are the origin and causes?

First of all, psoriasis is in no way due to a possible lack of hygiene. This is a dysfunction of the immune system. This leads to excessive and too rapid regeneration of skin cells: 4 to 6 days for people with psoriasis compared to 3 weeks for those who are not affected by the disease. The epidermis can no longer get rid of dead skin, which creates excess skin. The skin then becomes thicker which triggers a inflammatory reaction and itching.

Psoriasis results in the appearance of:

  • Scales. That is to say an accumulation of dead skin cells which thus form plaques.
  • Redness.
  • Desquamation (peeling skin).
  • Itching.

Depending on the person, psoriasis occurs in different parts of the body. There is no no generality.

Psoriasis is a disease whose cause is not yet fully understood. It is seen as a disease of origin multifactorial, which means that its appearance depends on several factors. The combination of these factors then causes the appearance of psoriasis flare-ups.

Among the potential causes we find:

  • Genetic factors. If one of the parents is affected, there is a greater chance that the child will develop the disease in turn.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Taking certain medications
  • Immune factors.
  • And emotional factors. Psoriasis generally begins following a significant emotional or psychological shock. Stress can also promote flare-ups.



How do you know if it's facial psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis?

psoriasis on the forehead

Facial psoriasis

Facial psoriasis is considered a severe form of the disease, which would be accompanied by a high risk of complications according to dermatologists.

It translates into Red plaques localized, in particular on the T zone (wings of the nose, forehead, eyebrows), around the scalp, cheeks, the beard or the eyelids. For children, it will be located more on the eyelids and around the mouth.

It is also characterized by dander. However, facial scales are generally smaller than on the rest of the body.


facial eczemaFacial eczema

Facial eczema, also called seborrheic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin disease. Just like psoriasis, it progresses in flare-ups.

Seborrheic dermatitis affects both children and adults.

It is characterized by Red plaques especially around the eyes and on the cheeks:

  • At the babies, they are rather localized on the forehead, chin, cheeks and scalp.
  • At the children, they are mainly located on ears, on the eyelids and around the lips (eczema is aggravated by salivation).
  • Finally, among the adults they develop on all parts of the face.


Seborrheic dermatitis also manifests itself by:

  • itches,
  • redness,
  • dry skin,
  • scales,
  • burning sensations,
  • and swollen eyelids.

These symptoms can be localized and isolated only on the face, or generalized to other parts of the body. Eczema can also be caused allergic (allergy to nickel present in certain jewelry for example) or atopic.

Furthermore, there are 2 forms of facial eczema: chronic ou Acute.

When facial eczema is chronic, this means that it systematically (re)triggers following contact or presence with a triggering factor. We can think of excess stress, a change of season, pollution, anxiety, an allergy, etc.

How to differentiate them?

It is difficult to distinguish facial psoriasis from seborrheic dermatitis as their symptoms are so similar. Indeed, in both cases we find redness and plaques. Itching also varies depending on the person. The only notable difference is that the scales, in the case of facial psoriasis, are thicker than those of facial eczema.

However, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to have the most reliable diagnosis possible and appropriate treatment.



How to get rid of psoriasis on the face and eyelids?

What cream or natural treatment for psoriasis of the face and eyelids?

In the case of facial psoriasis, we recommend the use of our Pso Natura Regenerative Complex. This 100% natural treatment helps to effectively eliminate scales and traces of psoriasis. It also reduces redness and soothes itching. This foaming treatment based on Carapa procera oil is used as a treatment for a one-month course and is preferably applied only in the evening to the face.

Our Pso Natura Regenerative Complex, although very effective on psoriasis, however, is not suitable for this very thin and very sensitive part of the face which is the eyelid. In fact, it should not be in contact with the eyes since it is bactericidal, which means that it would sting you.psoriasis natural cream scales redness

On the other hand, our Pso Natura Rich Restructuring Cream is perfectly indicated if you have psoriasis of the eyelids. It gently moisturizes and nourishes skin suffering from psoriasis. Psoriasis of the eyelids will therefore diminish to give way to smoother skin, by eliminating scales. It also helps soothe itching. Furthermore, its non-greasy and non-sticky formula makes it very pleasant to use.




How to protect your face to avoid dry eyelids and other inflammations and irritations ?

First of all, the face is a sensitive part of our body. The skin is constantly subject to external aggressions. This is especially true for people with psoriasis. Seasonal changes, for example, are accompanied by temperature changes to which the skin often has difficulty adapting. In response, outbreaks of psoriasis may appear.

It is particularly important to hydrate your skin well during the months ofwinter, period when the skin is driest due to wind and cold. So choose a rich moisturizing cream like the Pso Natura Cream.

During the spring and l'summer, the sun and the heat can, depending on the person, calm psoriasis flare-ups or, on the contrary, aggravate the inflammation. It is necessary to use sunscreen with total protection daily and to avoid exposure to the sun for too long.

Makeup and eyelid psoriasis

Furthermore, the cleaning and makeup removal of the skin are essential steps. It is recommended to use gentle, non-irritating cleansing products suitable for the care of fragile skin. Avoid alcohol and perfume-based toiletries, as this will further accentuate irritation.

Le make-up Corrector is also not the best solution during a psoriasis flare-up. In fact, it could make the situation worse. It is better to let the skin breathe and give the lesions time to heal and fade. However, it is not always easy to manage to go out without makeup when our face is complex. See our advice on the makeup routine to adopt in case of facial psoriasis.


Conclusion on eyelid psoriasis:

Due to its location, this form of psoriasis is very disabling for patients who suffer from it. It impacts their quality of life in many ways: fear of how others will look, discomfort, pain, etc. It is therefore recommended to consult a specialist doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear. Furthermore, it is sometimes necessary to carry out additional examinations. This can help find the potential causes that may have triggered this psoriasis. The latter will also be best placed to prescribe a suitable treatment.




What are the causes of psoriasis? – VIDAL

Facial psoriasis – Association France Psoriasis


To consult also:

Which vitamins to choose when you have psoriasis?

Interview with a naturopath: psoriasis and diet.

Alcohol: effects on psoriasis.

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