LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Erythrodermic psoriasis: natural care

isolated erythrodermic psoriasis




Erythrodermic psoriasis is usually treated with cortisone-based treatments.

However, there may be risks of addiction.
We invite you to visit our section Psoriasis information and natural treatments to explore avenues for complementary treatments, without side effects.
Should we favor natural treatments to relieve this type of psoriasis?




Erythrodermic psoriasis, definition

erythrodermic psoriasisYou obviously all know the Psoriasis. This generally benign disease affects the body and scalp and affects between 2 and 5% of the population. It cannot be cured and is non-contagious. It is a chronic, non-fatal disease that affects both men and women. (1)

How to recognize this type of psoriasis which affects all of the skin, hands, feet, legs, etc.?

Le erythrodermic psoriasis is an extremely rare and very serious form of psoriasis. It is generalized psoriasis, which affects almost the entire surface of the skin. Moreover, we speak of erythrodermic psoriasis when more than 90% of the skin is affected. Thus, it does not fall under mild to moderate psoriasis, but severe psoriasis. This condition necessarily leads to hospitalizations, and can even in the most serious cases be life-threatening for those affected. (2)

What are the symptoms, is it itchy?

Erythrodermic psoriasis takes the form of considerable diffuse scaling over the entire body. It is as if the affected person's body is completely peeling off. His skin takes on the appearance of that of a serious burn victim. Extremely painful and above all particularly serious, this dreaded condition must therefore be taken very seriously. However, it is not specifically accompanied by itching.

Do not confuse erythrodermic psoriasis with other forms of psoriasis

As erythrodermic psoriasis only affects 1% of the population, we hear much less about it, people tend to minimize the pain of individuals who suffer from it and to confuse them with other forms of psoriasis.

Here is some forms of psoriasis listed which will allow you to better understand the differences with psoriasis erythroderma.

Reverse psoriasis:

Inverse psoriasis affects the groins, the armpit folds, the folds under the breasts or even the intergluteal fold. It appears in the form of well-defined red plaques without thickness or scale on the surface.

Scalp psoriasis :

Thick red patches appear on the scalp, from which numerous dandruff comes off, particularly affecting the areas behind the ears. It can overflow onto the forehead or in front of the ears. Scalp psoriasis is accompanied by itching.

Genital psoriasis:

In man the genital psoriasis  appears in the form of well-defined red patches on the glans, sometimes a little scaly. Other plaques may exist on the penis. In women it appears in the form of redness of the vulva with a little thickening which flakes, obviously it can appear in different places of the vulva and on different scales.

Guttate psoriasis: 

It often follows an ENT infection such as tonsillitis and it is this general infection which will destabilize the skin's immune system. The onset of gout sporaisis is quite sudden and is illustrated in the form of very small round lesions of a few millimeters which are red and scaly, distributed in seedlings all over the skin. However, it is more present in children.


Why is erythrodermic psoriasis different from other psoriasis?The redness of erythrodermic psoriasis

In fact, almost the entire integumentary system – that is to say the skin and the integuments (nails, hair) – is affected. The skin becomes covered in scales, becomes red and is no longer able to act as a protective barrier. The human body is then completely vulnerable. Superinfections can appear, putting the person's vital organs in danger.

In addition, this generalized form of psoriasis disrupts thermal regulation and can be accompanied by dehydration, weight loss, chills and fever.

What causes erythrodermic psoriasis? Why is it happening?

Erythrodermic psoriasis should be taken very seriously because it can cause serious complications. Fortunately, this form of psoriasis is not very common. It affects around 1% of people suffering from psoriasis. Either it follows an already existing psoriasis, or it appears “without warning” in people who have never suffered from psoriasis.

When it appears very suddenly, we speak of an acute form. But when it gradually takes hold on the body, we prefer the term chronic form. We can cite stress, abrupt cessation of corticosteroid treatment, or an inflammatory reaction linked to taking other medications, as being the main triggering factors for erythrodermic psoriasis.


Question about erythrodermic psoriasisHow to treat erythrodermic psoriasis?

In general, hospitalization is imperative for patients with erythrodermic psoriasis. The latter are placed under close surveillance and general treatment is administered to them.

Indeed, local treatments are most often reserved to fight against mild psoriasis. Creams, mainly cortisone-based, are applied to the affected areas. However, systemic treatments are favored to treat severe forms of psoriasis.

What treatments are used to relieve erythrodermic psoriasis?

The usual treatments are heavy treatments, requiring rigorous medical supervision:

Cyclosporin : immunosuppressant used to prevent graft rejection and fight against serious forms of psoriasis.
Methotrexate : prevents cell proliferation and is used to treat certain cancers.
Retinoids : synthetic derivatives of vitamin A. They are useful against psoriasis where skin cells multiply too quickly. They regulate the growth of epithelial cells, which cover the skin and mucous membranes.

Although effective, they are accompanied by undesirable effects (decrease in red blood cells for methotrexate, necessary renal monitoring and digestive disorders for cyclosporin, anorexia and long-term toxicity for retinoids). As for cortisone, often used as a local treatment, it is effective but risks of addiction may occur.

But then, how to fight erythrodermic psoriasis naturally?


Are there any natural treatments to combat this psoriasis?

Are you wondering if there are effective natural treatments to relieve erythrodermic psoriasis? The answer is yes.

When you have erythrodermic psoriasis, all of your skin will flake. Rehydrating the skin is therefore fundamental, it constitutes the first step of a natural treatment.

What are the most effective and natural treatments for erythrodermic psoriasis?

Ultra-hydrating psoriasis cream

To fight against erythrodermic poriais, discover our Rich Restructuring Cream which will deeply hydrate your skin and soothe your itching. This nourishing treatment concentrated in Carapa Procera oil helps provide fatty acids to your skin. This oil has recognized anti-inflammatory properties and helps regenerate your skin.

Furthermore, once your skin is well hydrated, we recommend our Pso Natura Regenerating Complex. This 100% natural treatment is based on vegetable potassium and Carapa Procera oil. It will help you regain healthy skin thanks to its antibacterial properties. It will eliminate traces, rash, dander and will relieve your itching.


Everyone has their own solution for psoriasis!

Faced with psoriasis, other natural treatments have been put forward. For example, calendula is a powerful ally because it has healing and soothing properties. As to essential oils, they facilitate healing and are excellent natural antidepressants. We also recommend that you favor essential oils Biography.

Also call on naturopathy to guarantee the proper use of the latter, which are sometimes allergenic. Some will turn to cannabis, known for its anxiolytic effects. While others will prefer thermal water cures, at the Dead Sea, for example.

However, since erythrodermic psoriasis is serious, we do not recommend suddenly and completely stopping traditional chemical treatments. Although these natural treatments are effective in relieving erythrodermic psoriasis, we recommend them as complementary treatments. Finally, we would like to remind you that a medical consultation is necessary in the event of erythrodermic psoriasis.

Discoverother photos on the different types of psoriasis

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World Psoriasis Day

Have I cured psoriasis?

source: sciencedirecte.com

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