Sylvie Méliet’s journey

Holder of an MBA from ESC La Rochelle, she worked for 10 years at LVMH. She also followed INSEAD training, before creating Laboratoires LM Natura in 2005. Sylvie Méliet has suffered from psoriasis since the age of 15. In 2004, she discovered by chance an ancestral treatment in Guinea. In 1 month, the traces of psoriasis disappear. She then embarked on the adventure of entrepreneurship. Its objective: to make this treatment available to everyone.

Why did you found LM Natura Laboratories?

I have searched so hard for solutions for psoriasis. I spent so many nights falling asleep with my elbows in the air so as not to stain my sheets with greasy creams. I suffered so much from the looks of others. It seemed obvious to me that I had to share the care I had discovered.

What motivates your involvement in this adventure?

The feeling of being useful. The desire to help change the lives of others a little. Contribute to patients regaining healthy skin. That was my goal. It is still a powerful engine today, on a daily basis.

On the “sourcing” side, I wanted to help plant a forest in Guinea. Planting the world’s first Carapa procera forest. In fact, this tree until now only grew in the wild. The objective is also to help the women in the village where I get my supplies. I want to be able to improve their quality of life. I am delighted because all this gives real meaning to my life.

We talk about us :

Find theinterview with Sylvie Meliet on the new parapharmacy sales platform


See also: 

Lindedin Sylvie Méliet

Biography of Sylvie Meliet

The profil du Doctor Jean-François Loumeau

The profil du Doctor Jacqueline Azémar

The interview of Doctor Caroline Bollaro

