LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment


LM Natura is committed to respecting your privacy and the protection of your personal data. Below you will find all the necessary information regarding the cookies collected on our site: what they are, what they are used for and how we use them.

What are cookies and how do we use them?

Cookies are small text files sent by a website and stored in the memory of your browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). Cookies have several functions: some cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of a website, some cookies are not necessary but make it possible to optimize the functioning of a site, and finally some cookies are only used to collect information. information about the websites you visit. We can distinguish three types of cookies, described below.

  • Functional/necessary cookies.
  • but also analytical cookies
  • just like advertising/marketing cookies
    It is important to emphasize that these cookies may be placed by LM Natura. However, they can also be submitted by partners. You will find a list further down this page.

The different types of cookies


Some cookies necessary for the proper functioning of our website are used. For example, a cookie is required for user authentication. When you log in to our site, a cookie is stored in your browser, including data that the web uses to remember who you are when you go to another internal page or refresh the site. Other examples, we use a cookie to remember what you have put in your basket, and one to ensure the proper functioning of our instant messaging service.



This type of analytical cookies is not strictly necessary for your use. But they are very valuable to us in checking that our site is working well. They allow you to know how many people have visited a page, etc. Without these cookies, we are completely blind to what is happening on our site. Rest assured, these cookies are completely anonymous. They simply allow us to analyze your behavior on our site. We may analyze your use of the services and tools made available to you.



These cookies allow us to better understand your interests. We can therefore offer you more relevant advice and products. They are of course anonymous and impersonal. However, you can deactivate them without problem. This doesn't bother us and we understand very well!

List of our partners depositing cookies

Google Analytics : Google Analytics uses cookies to produce traffic statistics and retargeting audiences.

Sendinblue Instant Messaging : Sendinblue sets cookies to enable the use of instant messaging on our site.

How to manage your cookies?

Normally, you should have had a pop-up when you log in. It asks you to validate or configure the use of cookies. However, you can change your choice. Check out these tutorials, depending on the browser you're using:

Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer