Eczema: the benefits of daisy


Eczema is an immune system disease characterized by non-contagious inflammation of the skin accompanied by redness, scales and itching. Affected people experience periods commonly known as “eczema flare-ups,” during which symptoms worsen. These attacks, of varying duration, are interspersed with periods of remission. Eczema is often associated with asthma or various allergic reactions.

The daisy has therapeutic virtues and deserves attention, especially in cases of skin disorders such as eczema.


Eczema and daisy against eczema

Thanks to its numerous properties for the skin, the daisy is very popular in herbal medicine. The daisy generally relieves dermatological problems and promotes circulation in the micro-blood vessels in particular, located near the surface of the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a popular ingredient in the formulation of care for damaged skin.

The virtues of the daisy are found in the flowers, but also in the leaves. To exploit its virtues, the best method remains maceration. Maceration in oil: macerate 750 grams of daisies for two to three weeks in 500ml of vegetable oil. Apply as a compress as for the decoction.

For eczema problems, also discover the benefits of lithotherapy ideal for acting directly on the causes of eczema.


Eczema and daisy: an effective natural solution

Eczema is a disease of the immune system against environmental allergens, called atopenes. The routes of penetration of these atopenes are not always the skin (except contact eczema), but the respiratory tract and the digestive tract.

Eczema and daisy macerate

The daisy has many benefits against eczema. It demonstrates its properties as an antioxidant, antidepressant, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-hyperlipidemia, healing and improving learning abilities by acting in particular through the noradrenergic system. It has a depurative effect, which means that it allows the evacuation of toxins and other waste from the body. But that's not all, the daisy is expectorant, this means that it clears the respiratory tract.

Often represented in the form of a macerate, daisy, soothing, regenerating and bactericidal, also intervenes directly in the relief of delicate skin prone to redness.

Eczema and daisy in the form of homemade oil

The daisies are found in the meadow:

Pick 200 or 300 flowers and put them to dry, for example in household paper.

Wait a bit.

Then, once the daisies are dried…

Place them in a large jar, and cover them with grapeseed oil, light, odorless and full of vitamin E, or olive oil.

You can also take almond oil or, supreme luxury, argan oil… Whichever one you prefer, obviously always choose organic or premium quality!

Leave to macerate for 21 days, in the light and in a cool place.
Filter and store away from light and sunlight, in a tinted bottle.

A little advice, however: if you try it, don't let your flowers macerate for more than 3 weeks, otherwise beware of fermentation!


Other Uses of Daisy Oil

Some also appreciate this oil, in reality this daisy macerate, to fade scars, stretch marks or even wrinkles: repeat patiently for 2 months...

After application, once the oil has penetrated well, you can further optimize it by applying a towel previously soaked in ice water for a few seconds. Or pass an ice cube every day, as Catherine of Russia is said to have done…


le The daisy


Our readers also consulted:
Acupuncture for eczema

Causes and Natural Solutions for Eczema

Eczema and tele-dermatology


Tags: eczema info

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