Is psoriasis contagious? Everything you need to know to talk about it well

Psoriasis is often the target of many preconceived ideas. This skin disease raises many questions, particularly about its contagiousness. Let us clarify this issue straight away. Psoriasis is not contagious.

The most common form of the disease is plaque psoriasis and/or with scales. Therefore, it is often visible to others. Suffering from psoriasis can cause real suffering, both physical and psychological.

This article aims to demystify prejudices about the contagiousness of psoriasis and to provide key information to better understand this condition.


What is psoriasis? Understanding the disease and its symptoms

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is characterized by red psoriasis plaques and scaly lesions. These symptoms result from accelerated turnover of skin cells.

Although it is visible on the skin, the origin of psoriasis is actually linked to a dysfunction of the immune system. Today, approximately 2% of the population in France is affected by psoriasis according to Inserm (1).


How do you get psoriasis?

It is first necessary to demystify this question. Psoriasis cannot be “caught”, since it is not contagious.

Causes, origins and risk factors of psoriasis

  • Genetic and hereditary psoriasis

The exact causes of psoriasis remain poorly understood. Scientists and researchers suggest a combination of genetic and environmental factors. THE genetic factors predispose to developing the disease. THE environmental factors trigger psoriasis flare-ups.

  • Psoriasis outbreak caused by stress

Stress, a psychological shock for example, are often cited as triggers for psoriasis flare-ups in predisposed patients.


Importance of medical diagnosis

A medical diagnosis is crucial to distinguishing psoriasis from other skin conditions. Doctors base this on the examination of skin lesions and, if necessary, a skin biopsy.


Does psoriasis spread or be transmitted?

Myths and facts about psoriasis contagion

Psoriasis is a disease that cannot be caught or spread from person to person. Contrary to some beliefs, psoriasis is not a contagious disease or allergic in nature. It cannot be transmitted from person to person through physical contact.

Understanding how psoriasis spreads to different parts of the body

Although not contagious, psoriasis can spread to different parts of the body such as the elbows including the scalp, ears, nails or even genitals, which can cause embarrassment and discomfort.

Unfortunately, today we do not know why exactly one person may have very mild psoriasis while another may be covered from head to toe. A person can also see their psoriasis disappear for years and reappear or appear very late even at an advanced age.
There is no cure for psoriasis but rather an alternation of periods of flare-ups and remissions.

Types of psoriasis and areas affected

There are several types of psoriasis, each affecting different areas of the body. Here are the known forms in order of decreasing frequency:

Plaque psoriasis

this is the most common (90% of cases). Plaque psoriasis usually occurs on the elbows, knees and scalp. The patches are often crowned with scales.



Guttate psoriasis

This form of psosriasis appears in the form of multiple small, round, red spots. They may also be covered by white scales. Psoriasis drops are usually small. They are similar to the size of a small coin.



Palmar-plantar psoriasis

Palmar-plantar psoriasis affects the hands (palm) and/or feet. This is a particularly difficult form of psoriasis to treat. Psoriasis is activated by friction. Obviously the hands and feet are the parts of the body most subject to friction. The skin may have cracks and sores. These lesions cause painful sensations.


Ungueal (nail) psoriasis

Nail psoriasis is not very common. The major symptoms are nail foliage. You can also see yellowish spots appear on the nails. This form of psoriasis is treated just like psoriasis on the body. There is really no specific treatment.



Fold psoriasis (reversed)

A rare form of psoriasis, it is localized in the folds of the body. Bending of the arms, knees or even under the armpits. This type of psoriasis therefore affects sensitive areas of the body. The skin is thinner there. Gentle treatment should be adopted. Since topical corticosteroids tend to thin the skin, it is better to avoid them.



Arthistic psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis

The frequency of this form of psoriasis is around 10% to 30% of patients affected by psoriasis. It generally affects men and women between the ages of 20 and 50.



More severe forms: pustular and erythrodermic psoriasis

These rare forms of psoriasis are particularly unsightly and difficult to treat. Consulting a dermatologist is essential. The skin presents itchy lesions.




Is Psoriasis dangerous? Can you die from psoriasis?

Complications and risks associated with psoriasis

Although psoriasis itself is not fatal, it can cause complications. This is the case with joint psoriasis. It affects the joints. Disease management is therefore essential to prevent these complications.

Suffering from visible psoriasis can also complicate patients' social lives. It is not uncommon for this non-fatal illness to cause dramatic consequences, such as depression.

Approaches to the treatment and management of psoriasis

Treatments for psoriasis vary depending on the severity and type of psoriasis. They may include:

  • medicated or non-medicated topical creams (such as Pso Natura range),
  • systemic medications and phototherapy. Regular follow-up with a healthcare professional is recommended to adapt the treatment to the patient.

Prevention and awareness: key role in the fight against psoriasis

Importance of prevention and awareness

Raising awareness about psoriasis is essential. It is important to let people know that psoriasis is not contagious, for example. This will help avoid stigmatization. The quality of life of patients will be affected.

Preventive measures must be adopted. Managing your stress better will help prevent or reduce psoriasis flare-ups. Avoiding certain frictions is also recommended. For example, by taking care not to rest your elbows too much on tables, you can limit psoriasis attacks linked to friction.

Resources and support for those affected

There are many resources and support groups for people with psoriasis. They are particularly helpful when the patient is trough. These communities provide a space for exchange and advice. They help to live better with the disease. You can consult, for example, our private Facebook group Psoriasis – Natural alternative treatments. Or contact the association France Psoriasis


Psoriasis, although not contagious, is a complex disease. It requires in-depth understanding and appropriate management. It is important to consult a healthcare professional. He will be able to establish a precise diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan. However, the solutions prescribed by dermatologists are generally medication-related. After having had a precise diagnosis established, it is also possible to turn to more natural treatments, such as the Pso Natura line from our laboratories. Awareness and support are key to improving the lives of people with psoriasis.

(1): INSERM, psoriasis file 


Also read the other articles:
Psoriasis and hair removal, what to do?

Psoriasis in summer, take advantage of it! 





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