LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Relieve arm eczema

Arm eczema is a skin condition. It causes itching, redness and scales. The arms are one of the most affected areas for eczema, and the symptoms can be very frustrating. This disease is not contagious and can be treated using suitable products. Learn to better understand arm eczema, its causes and symptoms. Discover the natural solutions which can help relieve itchy, irritated and dry skin.


Arm eczema: What are the symptoms of this disease?

Arm eczema is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by dry skin and patches. These connections may appear as redness, flaky skin, and itching. It can be made worse by stress and temperature changes.

Arm eczema can take different forms, ranging from plates dry and desquamative with vesicular lesions. Symptoms may worsen if the arm is exposed to irritating factors. Following the intense itching, scabs may also form on the skin. People with eczema on their arms may experience trouble sleeping because their skin is constantly irritated. In children, arm eczema can be very itchy and cause intense itching.

Arm eczema can be present in different areas:

  • on the forearms
  • in the crook of the elbows
  • on the outer side of the arms
  • on the wrists
  • at the shoulders


Why do I have eczema on my arms, what causes the attacks?

Arm eczema

Arm eczema flare-ups can be caused by external factors such as stress or heat. It can also be triggered by external irritants such as soap, cleaning products or tight clothing. Flexion folds are also an aggravating factor for arm eczema. They must therefore be taken into consideration when applying treatment.

Then, excessive sweating can be an aggravating cause of arm eczema. They must be controlled to avoid worsening of symptoms. Arm eczema can sometimes spread to the scalp and cause itching and redness.



How do you know if it's atopic dermatitis or contact eczema?

Relieve arm eczemaAtopic dermatitis

Atopic eczema of the arm is a chronic inflinflammatory disease of the skin. It is characterized by red, scaly skin lesions and itchy skin. It develops in outbreaks and is often hereditary.

Contact eczema or allergic eczema

Contact eczema of the arm is a skin disease characterized by itching, redness and skin lesions. Unlike atopic eczema, contact eczema of the arms is a form of eczema caused by direct contact with irritants or allergens. Those most commonly associated with arm eczema are pollen, dust, dust mites, pet hair and chemicals.


What to do about itching?

Showers and baths are a good solution to relieve the symptoms of arm eczema, as they deeply hydrate and soothe the skin. However, always make sure to wash with lukewarm water, as hot water is too aggressive for the skin. Next, skin hydration is essential to relieve arm eczema and prevent recurrence. It is therefore important to use suitable and hydrating products, such as moisturizing creams or lotions. To prevent episodes of arm eczema in the long term, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic products.

To relieve arm eczema, it is recommended to wear soft, breathable cotton underwear. Arm eczema can be made worse by wearing synthetic fabrics, so it's important to choose soft, natural materials to avoid irritation.

Remission periods for arm eczema can be achieved through appropriate local and systemic treatments, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. Art therapy can also help relieve symptoms of arm eczema. It helps reduce stress and better manage pain and discomfort.


How to treat arm eczema and what are the natural treatments?

The most common medications used to treat arm eczema are topical corticosteroids, oral corticosteroids, and antihistamines. They are quite effective but can have an addictive effect.

However, it is possible to turn to natural products that can provide lasting treatment for eczema. In addition, they do not show any habituation effects.

Pso Natura Regenerative Complex natural care drawing leavesThe Regenerative Complex

The Regenerative Complex is a medical device with an effectiveness of 94%, proven by clinical studies. It is a 100% natural foaming treatment which is applied using a loofah sponge (provided with the Complex when purchasing the treatment) which will exfoliate the skin. The treatment is mainly composed of Carapa Procera oil, our exclusive. This oil has many virtues, it helps cleanse the skin. In addition, it soothes itching, removes scales and redness.

The application of the Complex is simple, it is used 1 to 2 times a day over a course of 1 month. Results can appear from the first week of treatment.

Pso Natura Eczema Cream

The Rich Restructuring Cream


After applying the Complex, the skin needs to be hydrated. We therefore advise you to apply our Rich Restructuring Cream which hydrates and nourishes the skin at the same time. Indeed, skin suffering from eczema requires this dual action of hydration and oil supply. Just like the complex, it is based on Carapa Procera oil and therefore has its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the Rich Cream promotes healing of the skin. It can therefore be used on open wounds a few days before applying the Complex, in order to heal the skin. In addition to these many virtues, the Rich Cream does not stick or stain.

Discover all testimonials on eczema.


Conclusion on arm eczema

Arm eczema is common in adulthood and can be caused by environmental or psychological factors. It can take several forms: contact eczema or atopic eczema. If you experience symptoms of eczema on your arms, it is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the best solution to treat this problem.



Atopic dermatitis 

Adult eczema

Arm eczema 

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Hand eczema: everything you need to know about this skin disease

Distinguish between eczema, vitiligo and psoriasis

Facial eczema: what are the causes and treatments?

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