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Hand eczema: everything you need to know about this skin disease

hand eczema

Eczema is a very common skin disease. It also represents the 2nd reason for consultation in dermatology. There are several types of eczema, including hand eczema. Indeed, eczema can affect many parts of the body. As for hand eczema, it constitutes a disabling form of the disease. The hands being particularly exposed and visible. If you suffer from hand eczema, find out everything you need to know about this skin condition in this article. What are the causes ? What traitement use ?

Hand eczema: how to recognize this skin disease?

Are your hands tight and itchy? Are they sometimes painful after using household products? Then it could well be that you suffer from hand eczema.

Hand eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Which means it lasts a lifetime. Furthermore, it evolves in flare-ups, therefore alternating between phases of crises and phases of remission.

This pathology can be confined to the hands, therefore remaining isolated, or develop on other parts of the body (become generalized). However, eczema is not contagious, it is not possible to pass it from one person to another.

Hand eczema most often appears in adulthood. Furthermore, it is women who are most often affected.

It has negative repercussions on the daily lives of patients who suffer from it. Indeed, hand eczema is often accompanied by pain which can cause sleep problems, for example. In addition, eczema has an impact on friendly, romantic and socio-professional relationships. Particularly because of the patient's discomfort with their eczema and the way others see it. It can even, in certain cases, prove disabling to work, or even lead to incapacity to work, or to carry out daily tasks (dishes, etc.).


What are the symptoms of hand eczema?

hand eczemaThe main symptoms of hand eczema are:

  • Dry and thickened skin on the hands
  • Plates red, which may be dry or oozing with blisters.
  • Scabs and scales (small flakes of dry skin)
  • Cracks and fissures on the tops and palms of the hands, and on the fingers.
  • Peeling fingertips
  • Severe itching

During remission phases, the skin is generally not completely cleansed, it has a dry and rough appearance.

In the event of severe damage, hand eczema can go so far as to cause a loss of sensitivity.

Furthermore, hand eczema is sometimes also accompanied by eczema of the feet.

If these symptoms persist for more than 6 months, it would then be chronic hand eczema. The persistence of lesions can lead to lichenification. That is, thickening and darkening of the skin, as well as itching.


What causes hand eczema? Why are we developing it?

The causes of hand eczema are varied and can be difficult to positively identify. Indeed, hand eczema can have several origins.

The different forms of eczema are as follows:

Contact eczema

This is the most common form of hand eczema. We distinguish between allergic contact eczema and irritative contact eczema.

Allergic contact eczema is triggered following a localized allergic reaction. This allergic reaction can be caused by many factors and substances.

This form of eczema generally appears in adulthood. In fact, it takes some time before the allergy manifests itself. The substance must penetrate the epidermis repeatedly, which will trigger an immune reaction. Hand eczema can also spread to the wrists.

The responsible allergens are often household products, metals (nickel), perfumes, plants, etc.

hairdresserHand eczema can be of occupational origin.

Indeed, certain professions are more at risk than others because they are more exposed to allergens. For example, we find hairdressers (coloring, etc.), farmers (plants), household staff, health professions (latex gloves), bakers (flour) and even construction professions (cement).

Irritative contact eczema does not have an allergic pattern. It is an inflammation of the skin due to environmental aggression.

Factors can be:

  • cold,
  • the heat,
  • friction,
  • irritating plants,
  • too frequent hand washing
  • contact with aggressive chemicals, etc.

These factors can even be combined for some people.

In the case of irritant contact eczema, the redness is localized to the damaged areas of the skin, which have been in contact with the irritant element. Furthermore, it does not cause itching. However, irritation weakens the skin and can subsequently cause allergic contact eczema to appear.

Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema

allergensAtopic dermatitis is linked to a genetic predisposition. The latter makes the skin more permeable to all allergens. However, hands are used every day, so they are not spared.

The skin on the hands of people subject to atopic eczema is often dry and cracked. This further encourages the penetration of allergenic substances, which can lead to allergic contact eczema.

Furthermore, it is mainly children who suffer from it. But atopic eczema can also persist into adulthood and become chronic.

In addition to eczema lesions, atopic dermatitis can also be accompanied by asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, hives, etc.

Dyshidrosis or bullous eczema

Dyshidrosis, also called bullous eczema, is a specific form of eczema. It usually affects the hands and feet. Its origin is currently still poorly known. However, it mainly occurs in atopic people.

Dyshidrosis is characterized by:

  • very painful small blisters, filled with a transparent liquid,
  • desquamation (peeling skin),
  • redness,
  • as well as intense itching.

It mainly appears on the palms of the hands, along the fingers and on the soles of the feet.

It is triggered in particular in spring, in case of exposure to the sun, and during periods of stress or anxiety. Other factors could also promote its appearance (sweating, mycosis, etc.).


allergy patch testsHow to cure and treat hand eczema naturally?

First of all, contact with the allergen responsible for hand eczema should be eliminated. However, it is not always easy to find this allergen. Therefore, it is recommended to make an appointment with the doctor. The latter will be able to carry out epicutaneous tests, or patch tests, to determine the allergen in question.

Secondly, treatments exist to relieve hand eczema.

What cream or treatment should I use to calm itching and eliminate red patches?

It is entirely possible to relieve eczema through the use of natural treatments.

We recommend the use of two treatments here.

The Regenerative Complex

Pso natura eczema regenerative complexFirst, the Regenerative Complex is a 100% natural foaming treatment. It is a medical device with a proven effectiveness of 94%. It is formulated with Carapa procera oil which has many virtues and is particularly effective on eczema. The Regenerative Complex helps eliminate redness, scales and itching, but also cleanses the skin.

The application of the treatment is simple and quick:

  • Apply a dab of the Complex to the loofah sponge, moistened beforehand, provided with the treatment.
  • Then simply wet your hands and perform circular massages and light taps with the sponge for around ten seconds.
  • Rinse, it's done!

The Complex is used as a 1-month treatment, twice a day. Discover the testimonials from people suffering from eczema.

After applying the Complex, it is important to gently dry your skin and then apply a moisturizer. Indeed, hydration is an essential step for suffering skin.

The Rich Restructuring Cream: solution to relieve eczema

In case of hand eczema it is essential to moisturize and nourish the skin in order to rebuild the skin barrier and to prevent dryness of the skin.rich restructuring cream without parabens without silicone without dyes

La Rich Restructuring Cream is therefore the ideal ally. It combines perfectly with the use of the Regenerating Complex since it is also based on Carapa procera oil. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin intensely all day long.

In addition, the Rich Cream helps soothe irritations, calm itching and promotes healing of the skin.

Using this cream is also very pleasant since it does not stick or stain.

However, be careful! For people with cracked hands, it is recommended to first apply only the Rich Cream. And this for several days, while the skin heals. Once the open wounds have disappeared it will then be possible to use the Complex. But not before! Indeed, the Complex is a bactericidal treatment, it will sting you badly if you apply it directly to the wounds.

The advantage of natural treatments is that they present no risk of addiction, unlike cortisone-based creams.


Practical tips to keep hand dermatitis at bay

Hand hydrationTo avoid triggering a new outbreak of eczema on the hands, and to protect your skin, a few tips can be applied:

– It is best to wash your hands with lukewarm or cold water. Hot water is too aggressive.

– Use superfatted and hypoallergenic soaps. Ban washing your hands with dishwashing liquid.

– Against all logic, avoid washing your hands too often. Washing your hands too frequently can damage and dry them out.

– When using household products or washing dishes, wear gloves. This protects the hands from irritating and abrasive substances.

– Dry your hands delicately, without rubbing, only by tapping.

– Remember to apply moisturizer regularly. Don't wait until your hands are dry.

– In winter, protect your hands from the cold by wearing thick gloves.

– Avoid contact with any allergenic substance. (Foods in particular)

– Finally, avoid scratching as much as possible. Indeed, complications, such as a bacterial superinfection, can sometimes occur…


Conclusion on hand eczema:

Hand eczema is difficult to bear on a daily basis. It is painful, visible and debilitating. In some cases, it may even require a career change. So don't hesitate to make an appointment with a dermatologist so that he can give you the best advice to calm your eczema.


Read also :

Eczema, vitiligo and psoriasis: distinguishing them

Facial eczema: what causes and what treatments? 

Understanding and relieving arm eczema


Hand eczema – French Eczema Association

Hand eczema – Doctissimo

Eczema: contact with the allergen should be avoided

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