LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Naturopath interview: psoriasis and diet

naturopathy for psoriasis balanced eating

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an inflammatory autoimmune skin disease. It can appear on different parts of the body, such as nails, hands, feet or even the face. For the moment its origin is quite vague and poorly known.

However, we know that a favorable genetic background comes into play for this type of skin disease. The skin does not react normally. In fact, cells renew themselves much more quickly than in a non-psoriatic person. This is how dander is created. They are part of a stack of cells. Dander is therefore dry patches.

Food plays a key role in our life. It will define our state of health, our ability to think and concentrate. In addition, it can influence the condition of our skin, encouraging our vivacity. “We are what we eat”. We asked Rebecca Fons, Naturopath, to tell us more.


What is the link between diet and skin appearance?

There is a direct link between diet and skin problems.

Naturopath and psoriasis, a holistic approach. The skin is, in fact, a diversion emunctory. In short, the skin would be like a way out. It allows the evacuation of food waste not eliminated by the liver, intestines or kidneys. These can be saturated by an inadequate diet. In addition, they can be devitalized following fatigue, persistent emotions or stress. Thus, the work of elimination cannot be carried out through normal channels (stools, urine). As a result, a poor diet can result in eczema, dermatitis, gout or plaque psoriasis, etc.


Psoriasis and diet

Vitamins good for foodOn the naturopathy and diet side, psoriasis outbreaks are suspected of being linked to a acid toxemia. Concretely, toxemia can be caused by excess intake of acidic and acidifying foods. Examples include meat and fish.

Let's not forget tomatoes, rhubarb, sorrel, even lemon. Furthermore, toxemia can follow the ingestion of acidifying inputs. We are talking here about medicines, alcohol, sugar, pesticides, drugs, tobacco, food additives, artificial colors, etc.). But not only. Stress, lack of sleep, emotions are also aggravating factors. The acid-base balance is to be restored.

In addition, Dr. Seignalet, author of Food or the third medicine, emphasizes: psoriasis is a pathology of skin elimination due to intestinal hyper-permeability. This would allow waste to pass through the membrane of the intestine. So they would move towards the skin with the aim of being eliminated.

Lemon balm, matricaria chamomile and Aloe vera gel are regulators. They can be provided in addition to a suitable diet. They help reduce intestinal inflammation and psoriasis.


Nail psoriasis

For the treatment of nail psoriasis, brewer's yeast is known for its benefits for nail health. It will not strictly speaking treat psoriasis. However, it will contribute to the success of the treatment.

In the case of psoriasis, it is interesting to regularly eat a basifying diet. Let us mention here banana, avocado, squash, potato, chestnut, green vegetables in general. We can favor the hypo-toxic diet of Dr J.Seignalet. In this case, it will be appropriate to limit dairy products and cereals rich in wheat-type gluten as much as possible. It is better to provide the nutrients necessary for good skin health with vitamins B, C or D. Or think about zinc, sulfur and omega 3 intakes.

Editor’s note: It is also possible to carry out a detox treatment. This cure can be carried out more easily by taking detoxifying food supplements.


Do certain foods cause skin problems?

Quite. Many foods should be avoided to combat skin diseases. Even if you want to eat and live 100% organic for your health, it is recommended to avoid certain foods.

Limit corn and wheat, even whole wheat. Likewise, sweet foods should be consumed with caution. Oils refined at high temperatures should also be ingested in small quantities. Finally, distrust of industrial food products,alcohol and especially beer.

All so-called “refined” products and therefore too white should be avoided because they are foods that are bad for the skin, and they provide nothing to the body what's more. We find for example: white flour, sugar, salt, and margarine, among others.

Foods rich in fast sugars promote the concentration of sugars in the blood. This has the effect of increasing insulin levels. Sugars also stimulate sebum production. If too many foods of this type are consumed, the sebum can no longer be evacuated properly. It then accumulates. This overproduction causes blackheads, microcysts and other white spots.


acidic foods

“Acid” type foods disrupt the body’s acid-base balance. This is the case for cooked meats or cheese which should therefore be avoided (according to Dr Seignalet).

Animal dairy products are pro-inflammatory and increase the risk of skin inflammation. They can also cause drier skin and the appearance of itching. You can carry out a test to see if you are sensitive or not to these acidic foods by eliminating their consumption for three months for example.

To avoid redness and enlarged pores, it is better to give up cold meats, red meat and alcohol.
As a general rule, industrial products to which preservatives, sugars and bad fats have been added should be completely banned from eating habits, in favor of homemade dishes. Getting started in the kitchen rather than trusting manufacturers is one of the avenues to explore to achieve healthy and luminous skin.

Be careful with essential oils. Some are good for somewhat relieving traces of psoriasis. Others should not be ingested because they are either toxic or generate intolerances (with repercussions on skin health).


Which foods to favor and why?

foods and their vitamins for psoriasisRegarding psoriasis, the nutrients to favor are the following: vitamins from group A, B, C, D.

In group B vitamins, we will find them mainly in oilseeds, whole grains, legumes, brewer's yeast.

Vitamin C: blackcurrant, parsley, pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, kiwi, strawberries, chives, lemon, orange.

In leafy vegetables such as dandelion, spinach, parsley, cabbage, endive, lettuce, chives, we find vitamin A... Fruits such as banana, melon, watermelon, or even in calendula.

Mushrooms, wheat germ, cocoa, sardines, butter, egg yolk...and exposure to the sun provide vitamin D!

All sulfur foods such as leeks, garlic, onion, cabbage will nourish the skin cells.

Omega 3s found in linseed, walnut, soy, camelina oil, etc.

The intake of basifying minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium is also essential for the regulation of the nervous system. It will be found in “dulce” algae, fish, mollusks, seafood, oilseeds. We also know that the nervous sphere is also to be taken into account in skin problems.

All of these nutrients will play an essential role in maintaining skin health. Read our article to learn more about vitamins and their benefits on the skin.


How to counterbalance a power gap?

The most important thing is to have a balanced diet. It must correspond to your biological terrain. But, if you make a deviation, here are two recommendations.

Use herbal medicine

Plants such as dandelion and burdock have properties for additional therapeutic action on the liver. In addition, the small centaury is recognized for its action on the kidneys and the skin. These plants will help gently and thoroughly eliminate waste from the body. You can carry out a treatment within the year.

The monodiet or fasting

Hygienic and ancestral techniques such as the monodiet or weekly fasting are interesting allies. They offer the body the possibility of eliminating waste through natural means. But also to relieve the so-called emonctorial organs.

To find out which techniques are right for you, please consult a naturopath. You will thus be guided towards suitable techniques.


Other keys to skin problems and psoriasis?

Keep ZenPaying attention to your diet is essential. However, it is not enough against skin problems. The psycho-emotional sphere is also very important. It must be taken into account. Skin is an indicator of our emotional well-being.

In embryogenesis, the brain and skin are one and the same tissue. The skin is a continuation of the nervous system. This is why it is also said to reflect our emotional state.

The epidermis is therefore an excellent marker of our stress level. But it is also an indicator of our fear, our guilt. Just as it can reflect our anger or our revolt. Skin pathologies then require close support. It must allow you to verbalize and accept your emotions. Very often, better management of one's emotions helps resolve skin diseases.

Naturopathy is interested in physical, physiological and psycho-emotional dimensions. Thus, the naturopath will go back to the cause of the cause of the cause. He will thus be able to understand the symptom and make the connection with the patient's life history. In biological decoding according to Christian Flèche, when there is psoriasis there can be conflict of aggression or separation.

Furthermore, the Gesret method would also respond favorably to the disappearance of psoriasis. This method works on rebalancing the hip. An imbalance could actually explain certain outbreaks of psoriasis.

Psoriasis recurs in 70% of cases due to stress. So it is essential to have psycho-emotional support. It will soothe the nervous system. So, different techniques can be useful. Let us cite psychotherapy, meditation, art therapy, sophrology, cardiac coherence…


Food supplements, for or against?

psoriasis food supplementIt's all in the food. However, treatments from time to time can't hurt. They help strengthen the immune system. This is the case of Detox & Zen capsules, which help to cleanse the digestive system, while also fighting stress.






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Face and beard psoriasis

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sources: www.rebeccafonsnaturopathe.com

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