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Natural treatments for cystic acne

Cystic acne and its natural treatments


Usually, retinoids are the treatments that are used to treat cystic acne. These are heavy, effective treatments. Unfortunately, they have a number of side effects. Today, there are more body-friendly alternatives. This is why in this article we present natural treatments to relieve cystic acne, without side effects. Do not hesitate to consult our section Acne Information to find out everything about this widespread pathology.


Cystic acne, what is it?

You obviously all know about acne. This disease, although unsightly, is generally benign. It is one of the most widespread dermatological diseases, as it affects 80% of adolescents. However, adults are not spared. In fact, acne constitutes a need for care for 20% of adults. (1) Frequently of hormonal or genetic origin, this disruption of the pilosebaceous follicle is easily recognizable.

It presents characteristic abnormalities which manifest mainly on the epidermis through: overproduction of sebum and inflammation of the skin because microbes proliferate. These abnormalities lead to skin lesions of different size and severity.


But have you ever heard of cystic acne?

Cystic acne is a severe form of acne, which generally begins during adolescence. It can, however, appear later, in theadult. Men are more affected than women by this type of acne. Cystic acne can irreversibly scar the skin of people affected by this pathology. Indeed, it is a particular clinical form of acne, which affects the skin deep down. Often of hormonal origin, patients affected by cystic acne must consult a dermatologist or even an endocrinologist.


How is cystic acne different from other types of acne?

Cystic acne manifests itself by the formation of painful and unsightly cysts. These deep subcutaneous lesions are generally located on the lower face: the chin, along the jaw, neck and cheeks. In fact, we speak of cystic acne when cysts accumulate in the same area.

How to recognize it: so-called “retentional” and “inflammatory” acne

Cystic acne is a form of acne that is both retentional and inflammatory. In fact, this type of acne comes from inflammatory lesions that have been poorly treated or not treated at all. This is characterized by lesions on the skin, large comedones (i.e. blackheads) and scarring. These comedones become inflammatory and form microcysts (whiteheads).

As for so-called retentional lesions, they appear in the form of papules, pustules and nodules. These lesions are the direct consequence of the increase in volume of the hair follicles (the cavity in which the hair originates).

How do you know if it's a cyst or a pimple?

Distinguishing a cyst from a simple pimple is sometimes difficult, especially when it comes tocystic acne. This more severe and deep form of acne appears as firm cysts under the skin that are often painful to the touch. Unlike regular pimples, cystic acne cysts are not limited to white or blackheads on the surface; they involve larger, inflamed lesions. If you notice red swelling, noticeable pain, and a persistent presence of these symptoms, it is likely that you are dealing with cystic acne. Early diagnosis and consultation with a dermatologist are essential to treating this complex condition before it leads to deep, permanent scarring.

With what medications to treat cystic acne?

forms of acne and pimplesAs we discussed earlier, cystic acne is a serious form of acne. However, treatments differ depending on the severity of the acne:

Mild acne

Mild acne results in black or white spots on less than half of the face. Topical treatments like gel or ointment with retinoids and benzoyl peroxide are used to treat mild acne.
For average acne, local products or even antibiotics are prescribed.
To treat severe acne such as cystic acne, doctors prescribe:
Antibiotics based on tetracycline or erythromycin.
Oral isotretinoin, a heavy treatment derived from vitamin A.

Severe acne

Severe acne marks the face (sometimes the back, neck and chest), which becomes covered with eruptions and pustules. Thanks to its direct effect on the sebaceous glands, isotretinoin effectively reduces sebum production. Unfortunately, although isotretinoin is effective, this treatment has many side effects. This is why we recommend using more natural treatments to relieve cystic acne.


Very restrictive side effects

It is a so-called teratogenic treatment, meaning that it presents risks of fetal malformation and miscarriage. Women of childbearing age who wish to treat themselves with isotretinoin must therefore take contraception.

In addition, this heavy treatment causes drying of the skin, particularly the eyes, lips and mucous membranes. You must therefore ensure that your skin is well hydrated during treatment. Furthermore, isotretinoin has a strong impact on the morale of treated patients. Depression, psychotic syndromes and – very rarely – suicidal tendencies can occur.


What natural treatments to relieve cystic acne?

Against acne, Akno Natura treatments


As we have seen, traditional treatments have many limitations. So, why not adopt a complementary treatment that is more respectful of your body?

Check out our Akno Natura Regulatory Complex ! This 100% natural treatment is composed only of vegetable potassium and Carapa procera oil. It has a triple exfoliating, scrubbing and purifying action:

exfoliating : promotes the elimination of dead cells and scars
Descaling : unclogs pores and sebum causing pimples
Purifying : eliminates bacteria and maintains the balance of skin flora



Cystic acne and diet: put the right foods on your plate!

Honey for cystic acneChoose foods with antioxidant properties such as pomegranate, thyme and strawberries. Antioxidants cleanse the skin by detoxifying it and delay skin aging. As for the virtues of miel for the skin, they are multiple. It regenerates, hydrates and protects the skin from UV rays. Also don't forget the basil, with toning and anti-wrinkle properties.

But the most recognized antioxidant remains zinc. (2) However, the body does not produce zinc naturally. It is therefore necessary to consume foods rich in zinc or food supplements.
In addition to the Complex, opt for food supplements which include zinc. They will allow you to purify your skin from the inside, because zinc regulates the sebaceous glands and helps the skin heal. Also opt for vitamins B2, C and E, which strengthen microcirculation and promote the elimination of impurities.


Alone or in addition to an anti-acne treatment

These natural treatments can be taken in addition to a traditional retinoid treatment. We emphasize that cystic acne is a serious form of acne, so do not hesitate to speak to a healthcare professional. This clinical form requires specific care and appropriate treatments.


Our little tips to relieve your cystic acne

Should you pop a pimple or acne cyst?

Above all, touch, handle and puncture your cysts and comedones as little as possible! The more you touch these, the higher the risk of secondary infection, inflammation and the appearance of scars.

Cleanse your skin morning and evening to avoid the accumulation of sebum and to remove pollution accumulated on your skin such as makeup and air pollution. This will eliminate irritating substances from your skin.

Healthy lifestyle and acne

Finally, be sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle: avoid eating too much fat, reduce your consumption of alcohol and tobacco, which can be aggravating factors, and do sport or regular physical activity! Taking care of your body means taking care of your skin!

How long can cystic acne last?

Cystic acne, due to its severe nature, may persist longer than milder forms of acne. Typically, without appropriate treatment, it can last several years and fluctuate in intensity depending on hormonal imbalances, stress or diet. With proper care, including medical treatments and natural approaches, symptoms may begin to improve within a few months. However, it is crucial to follow the recommendations of a dermatologist to minimize the risk of scarring and worsening.

(1) The Figaro Health, “Acne, what is it? »
(2) Elle Magazine, “What are the effects of zinc on acne? »

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