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Severe acne: the best treatments to get rid of it


severe acne treatments

Severe acne is a skin disease that can be very debilitating and debilitating. Fortunately, today there are a variety of treatments that can help relieve and overcome symptoms.

Severe acne is a chronic dermatological condition characterized by deep inflammation, painful cysts, nodules and extensive lesions. There are different degrees of severe acne, each of which can have significant repercussions on self-confidence and quality of life. Indeed, the social stigma that this skin disease causes will cause high levels of psychological distress, anxiety or even depression in people who very often suffer from it. (1) .

Discover our treatments to treat severe acne and regain healthy, smooth skin.


What is the difference between mild and severe acne?

acne pimples

The fundamental difference between mild acne is: in the degrees of severity, the extent of the skin lesions and in their manifestation in daily life. Mild acne is characterized by the presence of some skin imperfections, such as pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc.

These lesions are often not very painful and have only a minor impact on quality of life. On the other hand, severe acne is a much more complex and debilitating condition. It manifests itself as deep lesions, painful cysts, inflamed nodules and generalized inflammation of the skin. Severe acne can spread to the face, neck, chest, on the back and on the shoulders. It affects both men and women, and it tends to leave permanent scars.

The social repercussions of severe acne

Also, it may have psychological repercussions. For example by affecting self-confidence, self-esteem and relationships with others. Distinguish the difference between mild and severe acne is crucial in determining the most appropriate treatment plan.


What are the natural treatments to remove acne?

The natural treatments for acne are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a gentle, holistic approach to improving skin health. Here are some treatments/advices natural products that can help you:


natural product for acne, regulating complex The Akno regulatory complex Natura 

It is a precious ally in the fight against acne. It is composed natural ingredients, helps balance sebum production, soothe skin inflammations and prevent the formation of new blemishes. By promoting healthier, more radiant skin. This product offers a gentle and effective approach to treating acne on the face, hands, back, etc. Obviously, while preserving the skin's natural balance.



A balanced diet to limit severe acne

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help reduce skin inflammation. Avoid foods high in sugar, dairy, and processed foods, which can make acne worse in some people.



drink to combat skin problems

Hydrate your skin and body

Drinking enough water helps keep skin well hydrated, promoting its natural balance. Hydration helps flush out toxins and prevent clogged pores.




wash your face well to remove imperfections

Natural skin care for acne

Using oils, such as tea tree oil, jojoba oil, or aloe vera gel, can help reduce swelling and inflammation. excess sebum. These ingredients have antibacterial and soothing properties.




moisturize your face

Severe or mild acne, clean your skin well

: Avoid harsh cleansers that can irritate the skin. Opt for a gentle cleanse, based on natural ingredients, to eliminate dirt, excess sebum and blackheads. Thanks to this, closed comedones can open to be cleaned and purified.


essential oils to fight acne


The aromatherapy for acne

Some essential oils, like tea tree oil and lavender, can be applied topically to help treat acne breakouts. Make sure you dilute them properly to avoid irritation.



stress due to acne

Stress management and acne breakouts

Stress can make acne worse. Regularly practicing meditation or other stress management techniques can help reduce acne breakouts.




It is essential to note that results may vary from person to person. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional  before starting everything natural treatment. A personalized approach, combining natural treatments with medical options when necessary, may be the best strategy.


How to treat acne quickly and effectively in adults?

Treatment of severe acne in adults may involve several medications and approaches. However, you should know that for several years we have noticed an outbreak of acne in adult women. In fact, 41% of adult women are affected by acne (2) . Here are some of the medications used to treat severe acne in both men and women:

acne medication list

Isotretinoin (Accutane)

This is a very powerful medication reserved for severe cases of acne. It acts in particular on the size of the sebaceous glands and by normalizing the production of sebum.

Oral antibiotics

Antibiotics such as doxycycline, minocycline, or erythromycin may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and the growth of bacteria.

Oral retinoids

Retinoids, such as isotretinoin, can be taken in tablet form to regulate the production of sebum, blackheads and reduce the formation of comedones.

Oral contraceptives

Birth control pills containing hormones like estradiol and drospirenone can help reduce acne in women.


Corticosteroid injections may be used to treat deep inflammatory cysts, including inflammation and pain.

Medications for severe acne

The most commonly prescribed medications to treat severe acne are oral antibiotics, topical retinoids, and hormonal medications.

Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is often used to treat severe acne because it helps reduce inflammation and eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

Cyproterone acetate

Cyproterone acetate is an effective treatment for severe acne because it works by inhibiting sebum production and reducing inflammation.

It is important to note that these medications must be prescribed by a healthcare professional. Treatment may vary depending on the severity of the acne and the patient's individual needs. It is also essential to follow the doctor's instructions carefully and report any side effects or concerns during treatment.


What is the most effective treatment for acne?effective treatment for severe acne

As you can see from our explanations above, the most effective treatment for acne spots varies from one person to another. This is explained by the severity of the condition and individual characteristics. There is not one miracle solution which will help eliminate acne for each person. However, several medical approaches and dermatological have proven effective.

Finding a Personalized Approach to Severe Acne

As you can see from our explanations above, the most effective treatment for acne pimples varies from person to person. This is explained by the severity of the condition and individual characteristics. There is no one miracle solution that will eliminate acne for every person. However, several medical and dermatological approaches have proven effective.

We find there, the treatments topicals, such as retinoids and benzoyl peroxide preparations. These treatments are commonly used for mild to moderate acne. Oral antibioticshormonal contraceptives and loral retinoids which may be prescribed for more serious cases. Isotretinoin, although powerful, is often reserved for severe and resistant acne. Laser and light treatments can also be considered.

The unique Akno Natura treatment

Obviously we must not forget natural care such as the Akno Naturel regulating complex or even essential oils. It is essential to consult a specialized doctor to determine the best treatment plan.


What makes acne worse?

Several factors can make acne breakouts worse. Whether it's different types of skin lesions, specific skin diseases or certain forms of acne. juvenile acne, mainly affects adolescents. This is due to hormonal changes during adolescence, poor skin hygiene or the use of inappropriate products and care.

On the other hand, there is acne conglobata. It is a form of severe acne characterized by deep nodules and abscesses. It can be aggravated by many factors. Such as stress, a diet rich in dairy products, or the use of certain medications.

Furthermore, underlying skin diseases, such as seborrheic dermatitis, can also contribute to worsening acne. They will contribute to this by increasing skin inflammation. Understanding these factors can help better manage and treat acne.

But how do you know which form of acne is the most serious?

Determining the severity of acne relies on several criteria, including the types of acne and their effects on the individual.

Acne fulminansacne fulminans

It is a severe form characterized by different types of more or less extensive lesions, ulcers, and systemic symptoms. Such as fever and joint pain, requiring urgent medical intervention. Image alteration may be an indicator of severity, affecting self-confidence and psychological well-being. Additionally, adverse effects of treatments, such as increased skin sensitivity, can make acne management more difficult.


serious malformations due to acneSerious malformations

Such as scars Permanent acne may be the result of untreated or poorly managed acne. It is essential to consult a dermatologist to assess the severity of acne, Develop an appropriate treatment plan and minimize the physical and psychological impacts. Regular follow-up with a doctor will allow treatments to be adjusted according to the progress of acne, aiming to reduce long-term after-effects and improve the quality of life of those affected.


Is it necessary to go to a dermatologist for treatment?dermatologist

When it comes to treat acne, The need to consult a dermatologist depends on the severity of the condition and the response to initial treatments. Acne pimples are a common skin condition that ranges in severity from mild, occasional, self-managing forms to more severe, chronic cases requiring specialized intervention.

Mild to moderate acne

To mild to moderate acneMany people find relief with basic skincare and over-the-counter products such as gentle cleansers and creams containing benzoyl peroxide or mild retinoids. If these treatments provide positive results and the acne is under control, a consultation with a dermatologist may not be necessary.

Severe acne

However, in casevere acne, recurrent or if symptoms persist despite the use of basic treatment, it is strongly recommended to consult a dermatologist. These skin professionals are specially trained to accurately diagnose acne and provide appropriate treatments. They may prescribe stronger medications, such as oral antibiotics, oral retinoids, or even isotretinoin if needed.

Identify the triggers of severe acne

The Dermatologists can help identify the triggers specific acne conditions and develop a personalized management plan to prevent future breakouts. They are also qualified to treat acne scars or other skin damage. Ultimately, the decision to see a dermatologist depends on the severity and complexity of each individual's acne, but one medical consultation is often recommended for optimal management of this skin condition.


How long can acne last?the duration of acne varies from person to person

The duration of acne varies greatly from person to person and depends on many factors, including the severity of acne, treatments used, genetic predispositions, and skin care habits. In general, acne usually begins in adolescence due to hormonal changes, which will often lead to high sebum secretion and it can last for a few years or several decades.

Juvenile acne

Juvenile acne, which affects most 70-80% of adolescents, tends to improve over time, often in the early XNUMXs (3). However, in some cases it can persist into adulthood, transforming into persistent or late-onset acne.

More serious forms of acne, such as acne conglobata ou acne fulminant, often require intensive medical treatment and may last several years before showing signs of significant improvement.

The effectiveness of treatments for severe acne

The effectiveness of treatments plays an essential role in the duration of acne. People who seek appropriate treatment early generally have a better chance of controlling their acne faster and minimizing potential scarring.

Ultimately, it is important to consult a dermatologist to assess your acne type, determine a suitable treatment plan and get advice on long-term management of your skin, to reduce Pigmentation the different types of skin lesions you have, as well as the duration and impact of this dermatological condition.

Conclusion on severe acne, the best treatments

Treatment of severe acne is complex but essential to improve the quality of life of those affected. The best treatments combine a medical approach, appropriate skin care and emotional management.

Read also:

Testimonial Acne 

Pimples around the mouth: Causes, treatments, prevention 

Keratosis Pilaris: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments 

Acne on the back: the best treatments and care 


(1) Stress, depression, stigma: acne affects quality of life

(2) Percentage of women affected by Acne 

(3)Teenagers and severe acne 

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