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Acne on the back: the best treatments and care

Back acneBack acne is a problem frequent. It mainly affects adolescents but can also affect adults. Pimples can be annoying and difficult to treat. Fortunately, there are several effective treatments and treatments to combat back acne. Discover the best treatments and care for back acne, as well as some tips for preventing this condition.


What is back acne?

When it affects the back, acne manifests itself by white dots to black dots under the skin. It is also accompanied by red papules and/or purulent pustules. In case severe acne, nodules and abscesses can form. This type of acne nodulo-cystic is painful and can leave scars.

Back acne can be limited to the upper back or spread to the lower back and buttocks. It can also appear on the shoulders and upper bust or chest.

Men are generally more affected by back acne than women. Furthermore, more than 40% Patients with facial acne also have acne on their back.

Acne pimples on the back are generally not serious but are often synonymous with malaise. Indeed, they can be physically annoying because painful, but also unsightly and create complex. For example, many people do not dare to show their backs in summer or wear certain clothes that would reveal their spots. Back acne therefore has a negative impact on the lives of patients who suffer from it.


Acne on the backWhy do I have acne and pimples on my back? What are the causes ?

The causes of acne on the back are mainly of origin hormonal ou genetic. In women, acne is often triggered by hormonal fluctuations such as pregnancy, menstruation, menopause or taking a new pill.

The mechanism is as follows:

The buttons appear following a sebum build-up. In fact, excess sebum blocks the pores, so dead cells are retained. A bacteria will then develop and cause inflammations localized. This is what causes the appearance of spots: papules and pustules.

This is the same phenomenon as in cases of facial acne (see also our article on pimples around the mouth).

However, other factors can also promote acne breakouts:

  • Perspiration
  • Poorly rinsed conditioner or the use of certain shampoos
  • The use of products that are too aggressive or drying. This leads to an increase in sebum production.
  • Clothes that are too tight
  • A backpack that rubs and exerts pressure
  • Taking medications, such as antidepressants.
  • The stress
  • A lack of sleep


How to get rid of and treat back acne?

Above all, it is essential to consult a dermatologist in case of acne. He will be able to determine whether you suffer from mild, moderate or severe acne and prescribe the most suitable treatment.

What are the most effective treatments for acne?

Against acne, Akno Natura treatmentsAkno Natura Regulating Foaming Complex

Le Akno Natura Complex is particularly effective against pimples and imperfections. Indeed, this treatment helps to cleanse the skin, quickly eliminate pimples and fade acne scars. It also helps prevent the appearance of new imperfections. The results are visible from the first days on average. See testimonials.

The Akno Natura Complex is a 100% natural foaming treatment, formulated with Carapa procera and vegetable potassium.

Its use is simple. Simply moisten the loofah (vegetable sponge) provided with the treatment and apply a little product on it. Then tap on the back of your hand until you obtain a generous foam. The foam is very important since it is what releases the active ingredients. Then massage for around ten to fifteen seconds on the areas with imperfections. Rinse, it's finished! Don't forget to moisturize your skin after treatment.

It is used for a course of around two weeks, then for maintenance. To be used preferably in the evening.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is known for its antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and healing properties. It is therefore essential in case of acne. It helps limit inflammation and reduce spots. The skin is then cleansed and the spots disappear more quickly. However, it is recommended to mix tea tree essential oil with a vegetable oil, such as jojoba oil, so as not to irritate the skin.

aloe vera gelAloe vera gel

Aloe vera is used for many purposes. Indeed, aloe vera has significant healing and moisturizing properties. Aloe leaf gel is therefore a good remedy for acne spots on the back thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing action. It thus effectively treats the epidermis.

Other oils are also appreciated in cases of acne. Black seed oil, for example, has a purifying, cleansing and healing action. Or even jojoba oil which moisturizes the skin and promotes healing.


In case of severe acne or if acne persists: creams, products and medications against inflammatory, cystic acne and scars.

Sometimes the natural treatments may not be effective enough against acne. Indeed, not everyone reacts the same way to treatments. It may also depend on the severity of the acne as well as its causes.

If your acne persists after trying many natural solutions, it is then necessary to make a new appointment with the dermatologist. The latter will be best placed to prescribe the most suitable treatment for your back acne, depending on its severity. The most common treatments are creams or lotions based on benzoyl peroxide which are applied by local treatment. They can be accompanied by taking medications to be taken orally such as antibiotics or zinc.

Furthermore, there are also effective treatments to be carried out in specialized institutes. In fact, the sessions of laser, Light therapy, peelings, etc., are increasingly advocated. On the one hand, they can effectively reduce acne over the course of sessions. On the other hand, they have the particularity of eliminating scars, both superficial and deep. The results are often stunning. However, they remain quite expensive and require several sessions before seeing final results.


How to avoid pimples on the back? All our solutions.

It is possible to reduce the presence of pimples or soothe acne on the back by adopting simple actions.

– When a button is pierced or scratched, always remember to disinfect. This helps prevent the button from coming back.

– Of course, avoid bursting or touching your pimples too much.

Back mask– It is advisable to make a scrub 1 to 2 times a week, depending on your skin type. This helps eliminate dead skin and therefore lets the skin breathe and cleanse it.

– Just like for the face, it is possible to make masks on the back. Also think about hydrate frequently your back with a fragrance-free and alcohol-free moisturizer. This helps regulate sebum production.

– Favor the use of products and gentle cleansers for the body, with a neutral Ph, without alcohol. You must not dry out the epidermis otherwise you will end up with even more pimples. When showering, for example, it is recommended to use a bar without superfatted soap and not a soap.

- Have a healthy lifestyle is obviously important. Be careful not to overindulge (alcohol, tobacco). Also try to get enough sleep, stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet.

– Remember to regularly change your sheets.

– Prefer loose clothing which let your skin breathe.

– If you wear a bra, remember to clean it regularly. In fact, it is in direct contact with the skin and therefore with perspiration, pimples, etc.

– When showering, it is necessary to always wash your body after applying conditioner. Indeed, otherwise, it leaves an oily film on the skin which is responsible for blocking the pores and therefore the appearance of new pimples.



Back acne can be more or less restrictive depending on its extent and severity. Indeed, it can be painful and make us feel uncomfortable in the eyes of others. However, effective treatments exist. It is advisable to first try using natural products, which are better for your health. And secondly, opt for heavier treatments if the first ones did not work.


Read also:

Acne in adolescence, effective care

Acne-prone skin: advice and recommendations

Keratosis pilaris: causes, care, definition.


Acne on the back: what causes it, how to treat it? (doctissimo.fr)

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