LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

The causes of psoriasis

causes of psoriasis stress

Where does psoriasis come from?

What are its origins ?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that involves disruption of the immune system. The body overproduces skin cells giving rise to skin lesions (plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, scales). But the disease is not yet 100% understood by the medical profession. Different factors are thought to be involved: genetic, immune and environmental factors and predisposition.

Research shows that the disease generally begins following a stressful event and that symptoms intensify in cases of psychological tension. Digestive imbalances are also triggering factors for this condition. Understand what triggers psoriasis flare-ups and discover our solutions to remedy them.

An effective and natural solution is to take a course of food supplements. In addition to a diet and a healthy lifestyle (recommendations to follow). We recommend a cure with Detox and Zen capsules Pso Natura from LM Natura laboratories.


If you have severe psoriasis, we nevertheless advise you to consult a doctor or specialist in order to have access to certain medications and check if they can be taken at the same time as our 100% natural products.

Who is affected by psoriasis?

Psoriasis can occur at any age and can affect children as well as adults, women and men. But in general the first flare-ups appear more often between the ages of 10 and 30. According to recent studies, in France this concerns 2 to 3% of the population and 1/3 of cases appear before the age of 20. (5)

What are the different types of psoriasis?

There are several types of psoriasis, each with specific characteristics. Here are some of the main types of psoriasis:

Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris):

Plaque psoriasis is the most common form. It is characterized by thick, scaly red patches on the skin. These patches can appear on any part of the body, including the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back.



Guttate psoriasis:

Guttate psoriasis appears as small, drop-shaped red spots on the skin. It is often caused by an infection, such as strep throat.



Psoriasis guttata:

This is a variant of guttate psoriasis, which is characterized by numerous small, red, scaly patches.




Inverted plaque psoriasis:

The plaques of this type of psoriasis form in folds of the skin, such as the armpits, groin, buttocks and under the breasts. They are generally smooth and do not have thick scales.



pustular psoriasisPustular psoriasis:

This type of psoriasis is characterized by the formation of pus-filled pustules on the skin, surrounded by red, inflamed skin. There are two subtypes of pustular psoriasis: localized pustular psoriasis and generalized pustular psoriasis.



Erythrodermic psoriasis:

This is a rare and serious form of psoriasis that affects most of the body surface. The skin becomes red, hot and may peel in sheets.



Scalp psoriasis:

This variant of plaque psoriasis affects the scalp, causing itchy, scaly patches on the scalp.



Psoriatic arthropathy:

This is a form of psoriasis that affects the joints, causing inflammation, pain and stiffness. It is sometimes associated with a condition called ankylosing spondylitis.



Nail psoriasis:

Psoriasis can also affect the nails, causing abnormalities such as white spots, streaks, thickening and peeling of the nail.




It is important to note that psoriasis can vary in severity from person to person, and some individuals may have more than one type of psoriasis at the same time. If you suspect you may have psoriasis, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.


What solutions against stress and digestive discomfort?

Detox & Zen psoriasis capsules

These capsules have the advantage of treating both stress and digestive imbalances that cause psoriasis. Composed of natural ingredients, the Détox and Zen Pso Natura anti-psoriasis food supplements offer 3 actions:

The capsules stimulate the elimination of toxins by boosting the emunctory organs such as the liver thanks to depurative plants: blackcurrant flower, black radish and artichoke. They also play on digestive comfort thanks to turmeric and lemon balm extracts. And to relax the nervous system thanks to a selection of soothing plants: lime tree, escholtzia and rhodiola.


Psoriasis: Adapt your diet and manage your stress

What foods should you avoid or favor in case of psoriasis?

It is important to follow a balanced and varied diet when you suffer from a disease like psoriasis. Be sure to avoid the consumption of sugar/sweet products, processed products, cold meats, alcohol and tobacco. On the other hand, promote a diet rich in vegetables and whole fresh fruit therefore rich in fiber. THE grapefruit is provided with benefits for example! To increase the diversity of your microbiome it may also be interesting to add fermented products to your diet. Finally, we can never emphasize it enough, but hydrating yourself regularly, by drinking water or applying a cream, is very important.

How to deal with stress?

Regarding stress, throughout your life you will have to face more or less stressful moments. The key is not to avoid all stress (that seems very difficult, and may even seem impossible) but rather to learn how to manage stress. To do this, we recommend that you practice sporting activities and relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga or sophrology. These disciplines will bring you peace and help prevent stress and new outbreaks of psoriasis. Also discover our article for get back on your feet after the holidays.


The different causes of psoriasis

genetic causes of psoriasisImmune and genetic factors

In 2013, psoriasis was recognized by the WHO as “a chronic, non-contagious, painful, unsightly and disabling disease for which there is no cure” (1). Psoriasis is an autoimmune pathology, which means that the body produces more skin cells than a normal person (production every 5 days instead of 28 days).

This therefore causes inflammation and different symptoms: redness, itching, red patches and scales. The causes of the disease are partly genetic. Typically 30% of people who have psoriasis have a family member who also has it (2). However, you can inherit the psoriasis gene without the disease occurring. Indeed, certain environmental factors will play a role in the onset of the disease but also in its severity.


Causes of psoriasis linked to the environment and quality of life

Why are toxin elimination and psoriasis linked? The skin is an emunctory, that is to say it allows the evacuation of waste from the body. The different emunctory organs are the intestines, kidneys, lungs and liver. When they work well, they allow the evacuation of toxins, particularly through urine and stools. But when the emunctory organs are in saturation, then the evacuation of waste takes place through the skin. This explains the manifestations of psoriasis but can also explain other skin problems such as acne.

It remains to be understood why the emunctory organs are saturated... Generally, we see that it is the consequence of a poor diet (rich in fat, sugar, hyper-processed products) and/or excessive alcohol consumption.


Causes of psoriasis, digestive systemPsoriasis: digestive disorders and intestinal permeability

Another element to take into account when you suffer from psoriasis is your intestinal health! It plays a very important role in the proper functioning of our body, not only physically, but also in our mental health. A tired digestive system can explain psoriasis flare-ups. 80% of our immune system is located in our gut. However, we often treat him last and we often give him little respite!

Leaky gut syndrome

In some cases, leaky gut syndrome explains skin problems such as psoriasis. Leaky gut syndrome is not often diagnosed by traditional doctors but more often by naturopaths.

This syndrome appears when the intestines lose their permeability, i.e. the mucous membranes of the intestines no longer properly exercise their barrier function. They let toxins escape from the intestines (bad bacteria, poorly digested food) which will spread in the body and create an immune reaction. Waste is thus eliminated through the skin, hence the skin manifestations of psoriasis (3).

Intestinal hyperpermeability affects the whole body: how to recognize the symptoms?

To know if our intestines are in good or bad condition, several signs can be observed to sound the alarm at the right time: digestive disorders, bloating, transit disorders, stomach aches. Find our article on the virtues of prune as well as the one on virtues of cabbage against psoriasis.
But also:
Poor assimilation of nutrients and minerals (zinc, iron and vitamin B12).
Food sensitivity.
Skin problems: psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea.
Brain: anxiety, depression.

We often notice that the impermeability of the intestine deteriorates following a poor diet, taking antibiotics or chronic stress.


Why does stress or a psychological cause trigger psoriasis?

Very often, the first outbreaks of psoriasis occur following emotional shock or stress. According to Dr. John Koo, professor at the Dermatology Clinic at the University of California, San Francisco, inflammation is what allows the body to fight stress. The doctor suspects that in cases of mental stress, the immune system overreacts as is the case with the autoimmune disease psoriasis (4).

We conclude that psoriasis is therefore very dependent on stress. It develops when people are under tension and improves when they are relaxed. Discover our article to understand the link between stress and psoriasis.

On the other hand, stress alone cannot explain the appearance of psoriasis, it is only one trigger among others (taking medications, infections, digestive discomfort) in a person with favorable genetic background.


Other causes of psoriasis

In some cases, the causes of psoriasis can come from taking certain medications such as taking beta-blockers, lithium, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants and medications against malaria. In addition, injuries, friction and repeated blows can also cause psoriasis attacks. Following infections of the upper respiratory tract, influenza or tonsillitis and pharyngitis, some cases of psoriasis develop.

Typical questions and clichés around psoriasis

Is psoriasis a contagious skin disease?

No. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease and is absolutely not contagious.

How do you get psoriasis?

You don't get psoriasis. Its origins are linked to genetic predispositions and then outbreaks of psoriasis will be triggered by certain factors: stress, psychological shock, digestive fragility, drug treatments with side effects, etc.

Can psoriasis go away? Can psoriasis be cured?

Unfortunately there is no cure for psoriasis, however there are several solutions to relieve the symptoms: topically to eliminate visible marks and itching and through a holistic approach to prevent flare-ups. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor to establish an appropriate treatment plan that will provide relief.


(1) France Psoriasis Association
(2) National Institute of Health and Medical Research
(3) ATMA Clinic
(4)NNational Psoriasis Foundation
(5) Ameli.fr

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