Psoriasis during pregnancy, what to know?

In the very specific case of psoriasis and pregnancy, we will detail here our advice on psoriasis. Above all, we will answer the frequently asked questions of future mothers suffering from psoriasis.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis affects more than 2,5 million people. This represents 2% to 5% of the population according to official statistics. Women would be more affected than men.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the skin. Relating to a favorable genetic background, psoriasis generally occurs following psychological shock or stress, but not only that. Psoriasis can be, in certain cases, linked to a problem of digestive weakness or even to ENT incidents. Taking certain medications can also trigger a psoriasis attack. This also applies during a Sun exposure for some people. This disease has no absolute rules: for other people, the sun is a factor in whitening psoriasis.

Psoriasis appears in the form of red inflammatory plaques, most often topped with whitish scales, small crusts which are the result of cell renewal 3 to 4 times faster than normal.

In pregnant women, it is observed in more than a third of them that psoriasis regresses during pregnancy. The explanation would lie in hormonal surges, which regulate immunity in particular, and in the appearance of substances secreted naturally by the pregnant woman's body which would act like any local anti-inflammatory.

As psoriasis alters the appearance of the skin, it often generates a feeling of unease in the patient, which can go as far as depression, particularly when patients, in their family or professional environment, are victims of discriminations and struggle to cope with the totally erroneous preconceived ideas that some profess. Is psoriasis hereditary? Read our article.


Will my pregnancy make my psoriasis worse?

It is difficult to establish absolute rules when it comes to psoriasis. According to a survey carried out in the United States of almost 250 women*:

– in 35% of cases, psoriasis decreases with pregnancy,

– 20% of women surveyed say they have noticed a worsening of their psoriasis,

– the other participants (45%) did not notice any change.

It is sometimes noted, since there is weight gain, that arthritic psoriasis may appear. However, cases are rare.

Generally speaking, in the event of psoriasis, whether pregnant or not, it is important to follow the 10 tips for living with psoriasis.


Psoriasis and pregnancy: will I pass it on to my baby?

Psoriasis is not a contagious disease. On the other hand, there is a genetic predisposition to psoriasis. The risk of transmitting genes favoring the appearance of psoriasis is 12% on average when one parent is affected and 50% if both parents are affected. A risk which should in no case make parents feel guilty because psoriasis is a multifactorial disease: heredity, stress, a psychological disorder, a side effect of medication, obesityEtc. ...

In case of stress, one of the natural ways to combat it is to meditation, which will bring calm and serenity to the future mother and her baby in the womb.


Will psoriasis have an impact on fetal development during pregnancy?

Psoriasis has no impact on the course of pregnancy and the proper development of the fetus.

Try to reduce your psoriasis on a daily basis, without stress, through a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet and without alcohol allows you to approach pregnancy calmly and will promote the harmonious development of the fetus.


Can I breastfeed my child while I have psoriasis?

You can breastfeed your baby even if you have psoriasis. However, if you apply any local treatment to your breasts, you should refrain from breastfeeding so as not to transmit unusual substances to the baby through breast milk.

If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. Furthermore, be careful not to aggravate your psoriasis by wearing clothing or inadequate underwear, since psoriasis, an autoimmune disease, can be activated by friction, particularly from textiles, which the skin feels like an attack.


Psoriasis and pregnancy: what treatments?

The vast majority of treatments against psoriasis are contraindicated for pregnant women because there is then percutaneous passage of chemical molecules to the fetus. Some treatments can cross the placental barrier and prove toxic to the fetus. It is therefore necessary to consult your doctor from the start of pregnancy and inform him of your psoriasis.

Favor natural treatments against psoriasis

Le Pso Natura Regenerative Complex Is he safe? It does not contain any chemical agents, perfumes or ingredients of animal origin, only plants. Its effects are strictly limited to an additional supply of vitamins and amino acids on the superficial layers of the epidermis. Your skin will thus be helped to fight itself and naturally against small imperfections. Therefore, it has no consequences for your baby, at any stage of development, including during breastfeeding.

After the Pso Natura Complex treatment, you should use a paraben-free moisturizer, ideally the Rich Restructuring Cream. For any area affected by psoriasis, good hydration is a factor in improvement.

Sport is a calming factor in times of stress. You can gently practice some physical exercises that you will find in our article, in the “sports in the office". Calming activities like painting, can also help reduce stress.

We hope that this has reassured you and that you will choose a natural solution against psoriasis at this crucial time in life.


Read also:

Psoriasis and tattoo

Psoriasis and confinement

France psoriasis
Spinder dermatology


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