LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment
psoriasis information

Understanding everything about psoriasis 


  • Definition
  • Causes of psoriasis
  • Different types of psoriasis
  • Existing natural solutions


Psoriasis affects 2 to 7% of the population (1). It naturally affects both men and women.

What are the causes and symptoms of psoriasis? And above all, what are the remedies and natural treatments who can help relieve psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a complex disease to manage since nothing can cure psoriasis, and that this type of dermatitis has phases of flare-ups and remissions. There are, however, good ideas for treating psoriasis, in the classic way or through natural treatments.

Definition of psoriasis

PSORIASIS is a skin disease that affects BODY and SCALP.

It presents itself in 90% of cases in the form of plaque psoriasis or gout psoriasis : red spots or covered with scales.

This disease is neither contagious nor allergic in nature.

Psoriasis can occur at any age, but the first flare-ups most often appear between the ages of 10 and 30. It's a chronic disease whose evolution is unpredictable: phases of recurrence (or regrowth of psoriasis) followed by remission phases.

Nothing at present can cure psoriasis. The only answers today all have the same objective: HELP WHITEN PSORIASIS, make the traces disappear (more or less) and thus allow us to live normally, especially in front of others.

Psoriasis and autoimmune components : skin suffering from psoriasis interprets any contact as an attack and defends itself by overproducing epidermal cells, like real protective barriers: the dander. This defense mechanism therefore leads to cell renewal over 4 to 6 days, instead of the usual 28 days.

Psoriasis affects the body and scalp

Causes of psoriasis

The major causes which explain the occurrence of psoriasis are multiple:


Family and genetic origin psoriasis is significantly advanced in 30% of cases(3). A bouquet of different genes predisposes to developing the disease.


2. Psoriasis and stress

To explain the causes of psoriasis, other factors also come into play such as stress, weakness of the digestive system, sensitivity to water quality, etc. which, alone or combined, can give rise to its appearance. .

3. Psoriasis Itches

A psoriasis attack most often causes dryness of the skin and severe itching which is necessarily extremely unpleasant. Scratching them is a reflex, but has damaging consequences: the skin feels even more attacked. Scratching is therefore equivalent to self-generate a skin defense reaction and the creation of new scales.


Different types of psoriasis

1. Plaque psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis

He covers 90% of cases the lesions are red, irritated often crowned with dander. When the scales fall off they leave the epidermis raw. The treatment for this type of psoriasis is local treatment (mainly creams or balms).
Find out more: Everything you need to know about plaque psoriasis, symptoms, advice, treatments.

2. Guttate psoriasis

gout psoriasis

It is noted by a multiplication of small drops of psoriasis on all parts of the body. Due to their small size, these small drops can whitewash faster than plaques with good treatment.

See our article dedicated to gout psoriasis: What is gout psoriasis, what natural treatments exist for gout psoriasis?

3. Palmar-plantar psoriasis

hand psoriasis

This type of psoriasis only affects the hands and feet. Often pustular or even purulent, this type of psoriasis is also painful. It may look like a yeast infection. View information and treatments for psoriasis of the hands and feet, symptoms, advice and existing treatments?

4. Nails: Nail psoriasis

nail psoriasis

Also called nail psoriasis, it concerns toenails and fingernails. 50% of people suffering from psoriasis are also affected by nail psoriasis to a greater or lesser extent.

The nail is dotted with a whitish spotted, it becomes fragile and often flakes.

See Care and advice for nail psoriasis (nail psoriasis).

5. Inverse fold psoriasis

Inverse fold psoriasis

It is located at arm folds (shoulder, elbow, wrist) and leg (hip, knee, kick). The affected areas have less scale, but they are more irritated and sometimes oozing. Their treatment is difficult.

6. Pustular psoriasis

pustular psoriasis

It's about a severe form of psoriasis : flat white and yellow pustules form; they tend to weld together. These pustules are often located between the fingers of the foot or hand. More information on pustular psoriasis in our psoriasis primer.

7. Erythrodermic psoriasis

erythrodermic psoriasis

Here's another severe form of psoriasis. The skin is very red, the fine scales fall off in large shreds. This type of psoriasis is often accompanied by secondary infections. Hair and nails may fall out. Only heavy treatment can relieve it. Learn more about the psoriasis erythroderma.

8. Arthritic psoriasis

arthritic psoriasis

Seulement 3 to 5% of people with psoriasis are aware of this complication. Psoriasis, an external condition, turns into a deforming inflammatory rheumatism. The treatment of this type of psoriasis is systemic.

Natural treatments for psoriasis

Pso Natura care, herbal medicine products

Le Regenerating Foaming Complex, is the star treatment of the Pso Natura range. 100% plant-based, it presents 94% effective on psoriasis, according to an independent clinical study.

Its effectiveness is notably linked to its high content of wild Carapa procera oil, our exclusivity.

Three other phyto-treatments are also available:

- Rich moisturizing cream,
- Shampoo for flaky and itchy conditions for the scalp,
- Detox & Zen capsules for a holistic natural response (internal + external) for very convincing results on the problems of redness, scales and itching.

See also our advices general for psoriasis and our care.

Other Natural Treatments for Psoriasis

Classic local treatments against psoriasis

This file is the result of the compilation of thousands of pages on psoriasis, however it does not claim to be exhaustive.

Anti-psoriasis creams

corticosteroids for psoriasis


Based on cortisone. Favorable effect on the mild to moderate psoriasis. Let us cite the best known and most popular: Diprosone (ointment or cream), Diprosalic scalp lotion.

Risks: Habituation effect which requires increasing doses over time, but cortisone cannot be used daily and for a long time. Also risk of disease rebound.

Subfamily of corticosteroids
Treatments combining cortisone and calcipotriene (derived from Vitamin D) – Vitamin D is synthesized during exposure of the skin to ultraviolet solar light.

Calcipotriene treatments can therefore replace puvatherapy in particular. Let us cite the best known: Daivonex, Daivobet (calcipotriol betamethasone).

Risks: in high doses, calcipotriol becomes toxic. Slight irritant potential.

salicylic acid for psoriasis

Salicylic acid

Salicylated Vaseline 5% to 10% (caution, not for children) – Soothing action, known to soothe fever. Used in preservatives for example. Let's mention Anexeryl.

Risks: toxicity if too large a quantity.

tar for psoriasis


The treatments are messy and even very odorous, but effective. Let us cite in particular the shampoo with Cade oil, or with tar, carbodome. Emollient baths (Caditar soap, aveenoderm, polytar). Let's also mention Coaltar.

Disadvantages: Messy, requires sleeping with bandages, and therefore very restrictive.

puvatherapy for plaque or gout psoriasis

Puva- or phototherapy

(ultraviolet A or B) Recognized for a certain effectiveness. Tolerance threshold varies depending on the patient. Can obviously be combined with other treatments. Heavy treatment: 8 to 10 weeks, with sessions at the dermatologist 3 times a week in general.

Risks: patients are exposed to helioderma and the risk of melanoma. The number of puvatherapy sessions in a lifetime is limited.

See the article by sciencedirect.com on the recommendations of the French Photodermatology Society.

General (or systemic) treatments for psoriasis

They treat the body as a whole by distributing medications through the bloodstream. Generally used in stage 2, after having tried local treatments. Systemic treatments are often cumbersome and can present medium/long term risks. 30 to 40% of patients are affected. Main treatments (non-exhaustive):


Reference drug (70% good results).


Properties similar to Vitamin A. For severe forms of psoriasis which do not respond to other therapies. Frequent resurgence after stopping the product. Let us mention in particular Soriatane.
Risks: may cause birth defects if the patient becomes pregnant.
Soriatane: can cause hair loss, peeling of the lips, dryness of the mucous membranes.


The most powerful general treatment. Immunodepressant, can produce positive effects, but also significant side effects mainly due to the weakening of the immune defense system.

Other risks: renal toxicity, maximum 1 year in a row.


It can be used alone or in combination with methotrexate in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis active in adults in the event of an inadequate response to disease-modifying treatments, including methotrexate (unless contraindications). In the form of injections.

Side effects: very common, infections (including upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, cystitis, skin infections)*. Uncommon: Serious infections (including pneumonia, cellulitis, septic arthritis, sepsis).

To find out what psoriasis looks like and its specific characteristics, read our article on psoriasis in photos


Also read our focus on:

- How to treat facial psoriasis naturally ?

- Genital psoriasis, sexuality and natural treatments

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More information on the impact of French recommendations on prescribing habits for systemic treatments for moderate to severe psoriasis, by sciencedirecte.com

This content was written under the direction of:

Author Doctor Loumeau

Author: Doctor Jean-François Loumeau

(1)National Library of Medicine
(2) Canadian Psoriasis Network,
(3) INSERM National Institute of Health and Medical Research: