LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Naturopathy to the rescue of psoriasis

naturopathy for psoriasis


As part of theinformation on psoriasis, it is appropriate to talk about naturopathy. She offers solutions that may be interesting. The etymology of the term naturopathy comes from the Latin natura (nature) on the one hand. On the other hand, it comes from the Greek pathos (evil). Thus, naturopathy can be interpreted as “ nature versus evil ". The term is said to have been invented in the 19th century. However, the pure practice of naturopathy dates back to the dawn of time.

The general trend in our societies pushes us to turn more and more to nature to cure our ills. Thus, naturopathy is developing, particularly in the face of skin diseases and psoriasis. LM Natura treatments are part of this trend. It is clear to everyone that Nature has not revealed all its secrets. The effectiveness of certain plants has been neglected in favor of the use of chemical molecules. It's time to rediscover the benefits of Mother Nature, such as essential oils, but not only.


Naturopathy and psoriasis: a natural alternative

An unconventional medical system: naturopathynaturopathy treatment with plants, chamomile

Naturopathy is a medical system that opposes conventional medicine. It aims to encourage the human body and its organism to defend itself naturally. It tends to prevent diseases through optimization natural resources. To do this, this alternative medicine uses different natural techniques, often ancestral (1) :

  • Rebalancing diet/nutrition: naturopaths seek to adopt their recommendations, depending on the seasons. Their recommendations aim to detoxify the body. Often, taking vitamins is encouraged.
  • Improvement on a psychological level. Via relaxation, sophrology or meditation.
  • Encourage gentle muscular exercises such as yoga, pilates, dance, gentle gymnastics.
  • Using phytology: the use of plants and essential oils for internal and external use.
  • Or hydrology.
  • Massage practice.
  • Use of reflexology.
  • Relief through breathing.
  • Work on energies, but also on vibrations (solar, lunar, music, colors).


Naturopathy and psoriasis: being in tune with your body

Naturopathy, well-being for the body

The fundamental difference between naturopathy and traditional medicine (allopathy) is that naturopathy tends to look at a health problem from a global (holistic) point of view, rather than directly and only addressing the problem. himself.

It is true that according to the philosophy of naturopathy, we can delimit the patient into zones (cardiology, dermatology, ophthalmology for example). This remains too reductive an approach. In the context of certain cases of psoriasis such as gout or plaque, the holistic approach to treatment is particularly welcome.

meditation to curb psoriasisMeditation and well-being against stress

Naturopathy strives to consider the patient as a whole, and to consider that the illness from which he suffers is certainly the result of interactions between the different organs of the body. He will therefore also consider everything that can come from the patient himself as well as his environment of the patient, his lifestyle, his food, health history and psychology.

Everything is connected. Our mind and our physique, but also our environment or our psyche. Lifestyle habits and internal well-being are part of who we are. Indeed, we are one whole. A being to be considered as a spiritual and physical whole (2).

  • Meditation and relaxation :

As stress is a known factor in exacerbating eczema, meditation and relaxation techniques such as sophrology or yoga nidra can be employed to help manage stress and therefore reduce eczema flare-ups.

  • Yoga and gentle exercises :

Regularly practicing yoga or pilates can not only help reduce stress, but also improve blood circulation and promote better skin health.

Therefore, naturopathic support tends to heal with natural treatments. It is placed where chemicals have no place. Indeed, it is often proven that the repercussions and side effects of chemical treatments are sometimes very harmful to the body. Furthermore, these repercussions are not always yet controlled by science. Naturopathy therefore tends to always favor treatments of natural origin, or even 100% organic. However, it does not ban the use of chemicals. She only favors natural care.

Naturopathy to eliminate psoriasis

Several factors can trigger the appearance of psoriasis. A genetic predisposition or a stressful environment are often mentioned. Managing stress and digestive or intestinal disorders can also be the cause. The causes of psoriasis are multiple and can vary from one patient to another (3).

Naturopaths, without denying the importance of these factors, take a different look at the symptoms of psoriasis. For them, psoriasis is the consequence of an organism loaded with impurities. This then affects the immune system. The body then attempts to eliminate the toxins accumulated through the skin. Discover our article, psoriasis from A to Z to be knowledgeable on the subject.

Diet and digestion have a significant impact on the excessive turnover of skin cells in psoriatic patients. Naturopaths carefully study possible nutritional deficiencies. This is to find out if the person with psoriasis also suffers from a digestive problem. Alternative medicine that addresses the causes of psoriasis rather than the consequences ! The LM natura laboratories also offer Detox&Zen Capsules to prevent the occurrence of skin diseases by tackling precisely these factors.


How to treat psoriasis naturally? How to cure psoriasis with natural treatments?Virtues of Carapa procera oil

The rediscovery by our laboratories of Carapa procera oil is therefore very naturally part of the naturopathy approach. This oil, discovered a long time ago by the ethno-pharmacopoeia, had never before been used, before our intervention, in cosmetic or pharmaceutical treatments.

Progress and discoveries are entirely compatible with Nature. It is good to remember this and it is very commendable that this new trend is making headway. The Regenerative Complex pso Natura is a medical device. This treatment has proven 94% effective on mild to moderate psoriasis and helps eliminate plaques.

The natural cures, whether thermal or at the Dead Sea, also give good results on psoriasis. Even if they involve a significant cost (some treatments are, however, reimbursed in whole or in part by Social Security) and the obligation to go there several times during one's life.

How to treat psoriasis naturally? How to cure psoriasis with natural treatments?

The rediscovery by our laboratories of Carapa procera oil is therefore very naturally part of the naturopathy approach. This oil, discovered a long time ago by the ethno-pharmacopoeia, had never before been used, before our intervention, in cosmetic or pharmaceutical treatments.

Progress and discovery are entirely compatible with Nature. It is good to remember this and it is very commendable that this new trend is making headway.

The Pso Natura Regenerative Complex is a medical device that allows you to cure psoriasis. This treatment has proven 94% effective on psoriasis. mild to moderate and helps eliminate plaques.

pso natura shampoo and naturopathy to the rescue of psoriasis

How to relieve scalp psoriasis naturally?

Scalp psoriasis, a common form of this skin condition, can be particularly uncomfortable and difficult to manage. Fortunately, LM Natura Pso Natura Dermatological Shampoo offers an effective and gentle solution for those looking to relieve the symptoms of this condition. Specifically formulated for the needs of scalp affected by psoriasis, this shampoo combines natural ingredients chosen for their soothing and moisturizing properties.

The key ingredient in this shampoo is Carapa procera oil, a natural component known for its anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. This oil works to soothe irritation and reduce the redness and itching often associated with scalp psoriasis. Additionally, it helps hydrate the skin, which is essential for repairing the skin barrier damaged by psoriasis.

In addition to Carapa procera oil, Pso Natura Dermatological Shampoo contains other beneficial natural ingredients, such as aloe and chamomile extracts, known for their calming and healing properties. These components help create a soothing environment for the scalp, while helping to control flakes and prevent future irritation.

This shampoo is designed to be used regularly, providing continued relief and helping to maintain the natural balance of the scalp. Its gentle formula is suitable for frequent use, without the risk of side effects often associated with more aggressive drug treatments.

LM-natura laboratories have established a partnership with the Union of Naturopathy Professionals. If you are a naturopathy professional yourself and would like more advice on how to offer our treatments, we are here to help.

Naturopathy as a miracle cure for eczema

Eczema, like psoriasis, is a skin condition that can greatly benefit from naturopathic approaches. This discipline, focused on the use of natural resources, offers a gentle and holistic alternative to the treatment of eczema. Naturopathic practitioners focus on identifying and treating the underlying causes of eczema, rather than just managing the symptoms.

One of the basic principles of naturopathy in the treatment of eczema is detoxification and purification of the body. This approach may include dietary modifications to exclude inflammatory foods and incorporate nutrients that support skin health. Naturopaths may also recommend nutritional supplements to correct imbalances that may exacerbate eczema.

In addition to diet, naturopathy for eczema may involve the use of herbal remedies and essential oils to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. Techniques such as stress management through meditation or sophrology are also commonly used, as stress can be a triggering or aggravating factor in eczema.

It is important to note that naturopathy aims to treat the whole person. Therefore, a personalized approach is essential, taking into account the patient's medical history, lifestyle and environmental factors. By approaching eczema in this holistic way, naturopathy seeks to restore balance and health to the skin in a natural and lasting way.

What foods are recommended or not recommended in naturopathic treatment?

Certain foods are considered inflammatory and can worsen the symptoms of skin diseases including eczema.

We must ban industrial foods, but also dairy products, often rich in A1 casein protein, can stimulate an inflammatory immune response in some people.

Processed foods high in sugar Refined foods should also be avoided, as they can disrupt the balance of the gut microbiome, which can lead to increased inflammation throughout the body, including the skin.

In addition, foods that are fried or high in saturated fat can exacerbate inflammation, contributing to the severity of eczema symptoms.

In contrast, some nutritional elements are beneficial for skin health and can help alleviate the symptoms of eczema.

The Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and flaxseed, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. They help reduce inflammation in the body, which can benefit people with eczema.

The foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, green vegetables and nuts, can also protect the skin and reduce inflammation thanks to their ability to fight free radical damage.

In addition, the fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and kimchi, are great for the gut microbiome, which can have a positive impact on eczema by improving digestive health and, by extension, skin health.

Using medicinal plants and essential oils to relieve eczema

  • Medicinal plants :

Naturopathy often uses plants with anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing properties. Herbs like chamomile, aloe vera, and calendula are known for their calming effects on irritated and inflamed skin typical of eczema.

  • Essential oils :

Certain essential oils, such as lavender oil and tea tree oil, may be beneficial for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. They should be used with caution and diluted in a carrier oil to avoid skin irritation.


What vitamins to take for the treatment of Eczema and Psoriasis? 


For individuals suffering from psoriasis or eczema, adequate intake of certain vitamins can play a key role in managing and alleviating symptoms.

Among these vitamins, vitamin D is often highlighted for its crucial role in skin health. Studies have shown that vitamin D helps regulate the skin cell turnover process, which may be particularly beneficial in psoriasis, where this process is abnormally rapid.

Vitamin A, known for its skin repair and immune support properties, is also essential. It helps maintain the integrity and function of the skin, which is crucial for people with eczema, who often have a damaged skin barrier.

Urban artist vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to support skin health. It can help reduce inflammation and soothe the skin, which is beneficial in treating both conditions.

It is important to note that any vitamin supplement must be taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional, in particular to avoid interactions with other treatments and ensure adequate dosage.


When considering the medical value of naturopathy, it becomes clear that this approach offers a significant alternative for the treatment of eczema. With a focus on natural and holistic solutions, naturopathy not only treats the symptoms of eczema, but also addresses its root causes. Naturopathic practices, by focusing on healthy food choices, the use of medicinal plants, stress management techniques and a balanced lifestyle, offer a strong chance of improving the condition of the skin in the long term. .

Unlike conventional treatments which can have harmful effects with prolonged use, naturopathy seeks to minimize risks to the patient's overall health while providing lasting relief. So, by adopting this approach, individuals suffering from eczema can not only expect an improvement in their skin condition, but also benefit from a positive impact on their general health and well-being.

Ultimately, naturopathy is proving to be a promising avenue for those seeking a natural, body-friendly solution to managing eczema, highlighting its potential as an effective and caring treatment.

However, it is recommended to first seek the advice of a doctor to treat your psoriasis or eczema.

Read also:

Psoriasis, how to recognize it in photos
Using Calendula to relieve psoriasis
Our advice on cannabis and psoriasis
World Psoriasis Day
Natural treatment of erythrodermic psoriasis
Genital psoriasis, sexuality and natural treatments

Have I cured psoriasis?


(1) Founding texts of naturopathy, https://cenatho.fr
(2) passeportsante.net
(3) eurekasante.vidal.fr

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