Acne: industrial food to blame?

Do you have acne or pimples on your face? Know that you are not alone.

Acne is a very common benign skin disease characterized by skin manifestations (red spots, whiteheads, blackheads, microcysts) on the face and body. In the West, acne has become practically a characteristic feature of our society. 90% of consultations with dermatologists in France concern skin problems such as acne. If hormonal upheavals are the primary cause of acne, we note that diet also plays an important role in the proliferation of pimples on our faces… See all our advice



Diet and acne: “You are what you eat”

We know this sentence by heart, we've heard it a thousand times but it's quite simply because it's true! Our skin is a reflection of our diet. A poor diet is the cause of blemishes and pimples on our face. See natural mattifying creams against excess sebum. Alongside the use of cosmetics, what we consume during our meals is also a beauty gesture.

Until now, no link has been scientifically proven between diet and acne... Hypotheses arise from observations. So first of all there are the tests that we can do: if I eat cold meats or chocolate today, will I have spots tomorrow? The answer is yes for some but no for others, so how can we properly analyze the products that cause acne?



Papua: the country where acne does not exist

What if, to better understand, we took a trip elsewhere in the world? Yes, ultimately, not all adolescents are affected by acne. A few years ago, scientists observed some remote tribes in Papua New Guinea. Adolescents from these tribes do not have blackheads, pimples, pustules or other blemishes.

Not fair ? No, logical and worrying according to these scientists. The parallel to be drawn between these tribes and us, developed countries, is our food. Compared to them, our diet is made up of a majority of processed industrial products, sugary products, bad fats (palm oil, cold meats, dairy products).

Conversely, the diet in Papua New Guinea is essentially based on local fruits and vegetables. Against acne, consider a vegetarian or flexitarian diet to limit sebum production (see also vegan cosmetics). This example clearly shows that diet plays an important role in skin health. (1) Also discover our article for take care of your figure while fighting against your acne.


Denatured products that give us pimples

Since the middle of the 2th century, processed food products in developed countries have grown very rapidly. So much so that today, in the XNUMXst century, we have become accustomed to consuming a lot of industrial foods and fast foods (XNUMX).

We eat poorly and quickly under the pretext that it is more convenient. Processed products contain additives that are not necessarily necessary for the recipe but which are added to improve taste, thicken a cream and therefore make more content, or even change the appearance via colorings among other things. This lowers the manufacturing price for manufacturers but also lowers the quality of the product: we will thus find sugar in the majority of cooked meals or preserves to remove the acidity of a product that is not very tasty at the base. Sugar-based diets actually cause acne!


Sugar, an enemy of acne

Sugar is truly the ugly duckling of the diet because its consumption often causes pimples on the face (3). This statement about sugar is both true and false, see our article on 6 preconceived ideas about acne. But if you really can't do without it, for coffee or to make a good cake, make sure not to take white sugar but brown sugar or even muscovado which has retained all the good nutrients of cane molasses ( vitamins and minerals) and which is less caloric.


Why does consuming refined products cause acne?

It is a so-called “basic” product from which its nutritional qualities have been subtracted: white rice is rice from which the film has been removed and it is this film which contains all the good things that our body needs. Same thing for pasta or wheat. Always prefer wholemeal bread with whole wheat flour rather than white bread. If these foods cause acne it is for a scientific reason:

– Insulin is a hormone essential for the assimilation of carbohydrates contained in cereals. When insulin is produced, androgen is released and is responsible for the production of sebum, which causes the famous spots.

– Refined cereals are assimilated more quickly than whole cereals, insulin secretion is therefore greater and sebum production as well.
Carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, cereals and biscuits therefore increase the risk of pimple proliferation.

However, rice powder has many benefits for healthy skin.


Dietary tips to avoid acne, pimples and blemishes

Cooking is essential!
Cooking is essential for your health, your figure and the beauty of your skin. You know what your dish is made of, there are no artificial or unnecessary additives, just good stuff.

If actually being in the kitchen is not your strong point, then check the labels, if you see an ingredient that has no place there, put the product back on the display: sugar in a pesto sauce? Palm oil in a chocolate bar? Coloring in the puree? Run away ! The important thing is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and the least processed ingredients possible.

Adopting a healthy diet is one of the 10 Acne Commandments !


Anti-blemish and anti-pimple plant care

The choice of basic products is an essential precaution.

– Always eat so-called “whole” foods (cereals, flours, sugar, etc.). For what ? Because foods made from whole grain flours are nutritionally richer and contain less sugar than those made from refined flours. Wholemeal flours are therefore better for keeping in shape and having beautiful skin. We remind you that excessive consumption of sugar can develop acne.

– Choose seasonal vegetables from sustainable or organic farming. Vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients essential to the body. They provide energy to the body but also detoxify it thanks to the intake of anti-oxidants (strawberry, broccoli, cabbage).
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables promotes beautiful skin and good health. We advise you to consume them organic (or untreated) because the pesticides used where appropriate are harmful to your health. The tomato also makes it possible to make homemade anti-acne masks, enjoy it.

-Also remember to consume tea. The latter has many virtues against imperfections.


Foods to avoid if you have acne

– Refined sweet products, industrial cakes. As you have understood, excessive consumption of these can cause breakouts... In addition, they are fast sugars which give energy at the moment but afterwards can make you feel tired. They are therefore not recommended even if you have to treat yourself to a little pleasure from time to time so as not to create frustration. Once again choose organic foods, without palm oil (bad for your health and comedogenic).

– Fast foods and prepared meals. Full of additives and preservatives, fats and salts. These dishes do not provide good nutrients to your body... They risk clogging your emunctory organs and therefore creating breakouts.

– Sodas and other sugary drinks. Same reasoning as for sweet foods, they bring bad sugar to the body. In addition to creating pimples, more serious health problems can appear such as diabetes. Also be careful with milk, which can be responsible for flare-ups.

Alongside a balanced diet, we advise you to use a local natural treatment to treat your acne. We recommend our treatment  Akno Natura from LM Natura to overcome your imperfections, find all the Questions that you are wondering about the range.



(1) Marie-Claire
(3) Sugar:science press


Read also:

Spring detox treatment for acne
Acne and junk food
Pollution and acne
Non-comedogenic treatments for acne
Tea, remedy for acne
Vegan, flexitarian and vegetarian diets for acne
Acne and milk, incompatibility?

Tags: acne tips

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